Friday, December 3, 2010

Liberals just can't admit Charter not the be all and end all

Cropped and cleaned version of File:Pierre_Tru...Image via Wikipedia

One thing comes through loud and clear with the Liberals blasting New Tory MP Julian Fantino over his comments saying that the Canadian Charter has helped criminals, and it is that the Liberal Party just can't admit that the Charter is not the be all and end all of our Canadian identity and that any comment against the charter is not a put down on our Canadian way of life.

And who is the main spokesman for the Liberal Party in it's witch hunt against Mr. Fantino? None other than the son of the man who foisted this useless peice of paper on this country, Mr. Justin Trudeau, sone of the late liberal prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, that socialist windbag closet NDP moron.

Sorry to tell you this Justin, but i would say a large number of Canadians would agree with Mr. Fantino on this one. Criminals DO abuse the charter for their own benefit when it comes to the laws of this country.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but our Canadian Charter is NOT a perfect document. As far as i am concerned it is a vile peice of trash of a document that the courts in this country have used to interprit the laws of this country as they see fit, to bend over backwards to coddle criminals in this country. It is the charter, and the Supreme Court in this country which ties the hands of our immigration system and gives citizen rights of this country to anyone who makes it to our boundries, whether they are criminals or not.

My advise to Mr Fantino is to stand by your comments, no matter how much pressure the Liberals and NDP try to condemn you. And my advise to Mr. Trudeau is to take off your rose colored glasses, get that hug a thug stick out of your rear end, and listen to what the people of this country are telling you. We are telling you sir, to Shut the Hell Up. You do not speak for all of us.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Liberal Mantra after by-election loss in Vaughn "We Almost Won"

Original description by Ted Buracas: Stephen H...Image via Wikipedia

The Liberal Party of Canada now officially has a new Mantra to chant for their newfound Morale Boost. It can now be heard by all Liberals in interviews all over the television since the recent by-election in Vaughn. Listen carefully and you hear it shouted out loud like some great bold pronouncement. It is on the winds of change in this country. It is "WE ALMOST WON".

Can anyone with even an ounce of sanity please tell me how the Liberal Party of Canada can say without any hesitation that losing a 22 year hold on one of their strongest core ridings in the Toronto area is cause for celebration? How can you spin such a huge loss as a victory because you only lost by 1000 votes? You held this seat for 22 years. Almost always by margins of over 10,000 votes. and you are trying to spin a loss by "only 1000" votes as a Victory?

With thinking like this, i can see the big red liberal machine as it walks itself off the cliff in the next election, chanting their new Mantra "We Almost Won" as they fall into oblivion, while the Conservitive Government of Mr Stephen Harper achieves his first Majority Government.

Who knows how long it will take for the Liberals to find their self respect enough to climb back up over that cliff. But if your best is "we almost won", to account for this monumental loss of a power liberal bastion, then i don't see you climbing back up over this cliff any time soon. We very well could have two consecutive Majority Governments for Mr Harper before that ever happens.
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After "Cookiegate" We have a New Five Year plan

A view from the south of the University Hospit...Image via Wikipedia

Now that "Cookiegate" seems to have settled for the Provincial Alberta Conservitive Government, we hear them saying they Now have a new Five Year Plan to FIX Health Care in this Province.
NOW you have a five year plan?? Excuse me, but have you not been the governing party in this province for the last 40 years??? What exactly have you been doing all this time?? You have been the Government in this Province, un-interupted, for the past FOURTY YEARS. Now you are going to "fix" healthcare??

Are we really to believe this from a party that just finished firing their hand picked head of Care in this Province, Mr. Stephen Duckett over his "Cookiegate" meltdown??
Are we to seriously expected to believe this from a party that just finished kicking one of it's own party members ( a much respected Doctor) out of the party for daring to say anything negative about how this party handles health care, and then went so far as to question the Good Doctor's mental stability to the medical board in an attempt to smear his reputation in what can only be described as an act of utter childishness by this government.

So in an attempt to sort of change the channel on all this, the Tories have "come up with" a new plan to fix health care in this province in five years.

Well, coming from a party thats been in power for over 40 years, and that has done Nothing in all that time, all i can say is "yeah, right, and i have some swamp land in Florida for sale that you can have at a bargain"!!!!!!
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to start fixing Health Care in Alberta

Stephen Duckett, CEO, Alberta Health ServicesImage via Wikipedia

The subject of Health Care is raising it's head again in Alberta, due mainly to the recent firing of the "cookie monster", Mr. Stephen Duckett, who recently made a complete fool of himself when he tried to get away from answering some reporters questions with his now famous "I'm Eating My Cookie" remarks. For a man who was earning in excess of $600,000.00 per year, this behaviour was laughable.

But instead of dwelling on the departure of the cookie monster, lets start to look at the Health Care system in general and what we can do to try to fix in, or at least try to save some of the money that continually gets sucked into this black hole, with no improvements to ever show for it. Health Care dollars take up to 50% of the Provincial budget in this province. The same can be said for virtually every other province in this country also. And it is expected to just keep growing, with no improvements expected. So how can the system be fixed?

I will start this off with One example, and maybe you can let me know of some more that can get added in future columns here.

We have machines in the medical system that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each for diagnostics in this province that sit idle for 2/3's of the day here, every day of the week, while we have waiting times for diagnostics of 6 months to 2 years. MRI's are a perfect example. It can take you over a year to get an MRI. Yet these diagnostic machines sit idle 12 to 16 hours a day. These machines should be operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The technicians operating these machines need to start working shift work (if you want to keep your job), however the shift process gets worked out, so that these machines are always working. The wait times will virtually dissappear in a year.
I understand that the stumbling block to this starts with the union contracts negotiated prohibiting this from happening. Well Mr. Government Minister in charge, it is time to get tough with these unions and tell them in no uncertain terms, these kinds of things have to start changing, NOW, otherwise your union employee can go find another job if he doesn't like it.

This is one small step to help correct a failing health care system in this country. I am sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of other suggestions out there that could "FIX" our system. We just need the guts to actually do it. If you have any ideas, let me know.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part# 10, She's Pregnant, It's ALL my Fault

positive pregnancy testImage via Wikipedia

Much to my surprise and eternal happiness, we found out last week that my lovely wife is Pregnant. Her period was late about two weeks so we took a pregnancy test. It came up negative. Two more weeks later, still no period. Another week goes by, still no period. Now the little lady is starting to feel sick. Each day she wants to throw up, then she is fine, for an hour or two, then she wants to throw up again. So we do another of those at home pregnancy tests. And what do you know but it comes up positive. Now i am at work at this time while the wife stayed home sick that day. So i get the call at about 10am that morning. She says to me "honey, there is two lines on the pregnancy test, but one is dark and one is very faint, maybe it doesn't mean anything, hummm". Of course i am exstatic but she is a bit worried, so i stay calm and tell her i will stop off at the drugstore on my way home and pick up another test, just to be sure. I look at the test she already took that day and yup, it is positive. There is no denying it honey. But we will do the test again in the morning.
Well, the next morning we do the test, and sure enough it's positive also. Sorry honey, but two seperate tests from two seperate stores, it will be next to impossible that both these tests are defective. Guess what Babe, your PREGNANT.

And thats when the fun starts. Now, everytime she feels sick at night, guess what, ITS ALL MY FAULT. She feels tired, it's all my fault. She wants to throw up, it's all my fault. She can't eat supper, it's all my fault. She feels terrible in the morning and it's all my fault. Her boobies are sore and it's all my fault. Everything that makes her misserable for the next 12 weeks will all be my fault. Of course i will only smile and agree with her, which sometimes makes her want to smack me, but guess what, we are having a BABY, so i don't care if its all my fault.

I am sure anyone else out there whose wife is having or had a baby had to or is going through this also, where everything is all your fault, so i am not alone in this. But it just seems more intense when your wife is a Filipina woman. It may have to do with the fact that she is so far away from any family support at this moment, and is scared for what is coming up. So i do understand. But sorry honey, you know its YOUR fault too.....

So i did the only real thing i could do to alleiviate her suffering. I went out and bought the first box of diapers. hahahahahaha I mean, you do have to be practical at a time like this you know. Diapers are expensive, and they will be used. So start buying this stuff now, i say.

We are having a BABY...... WOOOOHOOOOO..... I LOVE YOU BABE
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Pacquiao, Argueably the Best Ever

ARLINGTON, TX - NOVEMBER 13:  Manny Pacquiao (...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Me and the wife sat down on Sunday night for the Pacquiao / Margarito fight. Now myself, i always would hesitate before i dished ot over $50.00 for a pay per view boxing event. It's not that i didn't like boxing or anything, quite the opposite in fact. It was always just the thought of paying so much to watch it. But since i married a Filipina woman, i have gotten every pay per view for the last three years to watch Manny Pacquiao fight. Maybe what turned me off before was paying for the Mike Tyson pay per views, only to watch it end in the first or second round all the time. The let down was always so great because there really were no serious opponents for Mike.
Now there is a total difference sitting down watching the lighter weights fight. The action is much faster paced. The punches are always flying. It is great to watch.
But lets look at Manny Pacquiao for a moment. The man has to be argueably the best boxer in the history of the sport. He has done things no other boxer has ever done.
Manny has won titles in Eight weight classes. He has won ligitamite titles in four periennial weight classes. And if you have watched any of his last four or five fights, he has totally destroyed his opponents, most of them bigger men than him.
Margarito outweighed him by seventeen pounds and stood close to 5 inches taller than him. He looked the bigger and stronger man. What happened? Manny took him apart like a machanic stripping an engine. It was beautiful to watch. I heard the interpriter for Margarito's corner saying that "he doesn't hit hard, he can't hurt me". The next round i saw Manny hit Margarito in the body with a beautiful body shot, and Margarito was never the same for the rest of the fight. Many could hit him at will. Return five punches for every one he received. It was just Awesome.
It was the same when he fought Clotty. Clooty hardly threw a single punch. He just covered up and tried to protect himself from the onslaught. And Clotty was the much bigger man. Manny destroyed him.
The same goes for Ricky Hatton. Knocked out in the second round? Or was it the third? It doesn't matter. He thought Pacquiao would be easy. He got knocked out for his trouble. And Oscar De La Hoya was the same. Manny put on a clinic of boxing finesse and destroyed Oscar, pushing him to retirement with the loss. Cotto was hit so hard and so often he didn't know what happened to him.
What do all these fighters have in common? They were all bigger men than Manny Pacquiao. He was not supposed to beat any of them. He was too small. But he destroyed ALL of them in such a display of boxing not seen in ages. For a smaller man to so destroy such bigger larger foes, it leaves you to wonder? Exactly who, in the history of boxing, could be called greater than Manny Pacquiao???
In my mind, as of right now, Manny is the greatest boxer of all time. Pound for pound, or any other way you want to look at it.
The one match i do want to see, more than any other right now, would be Manny Pacquiao versus Floyd Merryweather Jr. This fight should have happened already. But as a fan looking from the outside, it looks to me like Floyd is scared of Manny. Floyd like to think of himself as the best, pound for pound, in the world. Well sorry to tell you this Floyd. Until you step into the ring and face Manny, and soon, you do not deserve that title. Manny has taken it from you, and earned it. You need to beat Manny to get it back. I don't think you are good enough.
In my mind, Manny Pacquiao is THE BEST THERE IS.
Congrats Manny.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama in Jakarta, Kissing Muslim Ass

the 44th President of the United States...Bara...Image by jmtimages via Flickr

America, Home of the Free, Land of the Brave. At least that was how she used to be. Now America has a President who seems to go out of his way to lower himself, and America also, down on bended knee, all the better to kiss the Muslim Worlds ASS. Mr. Obama just can't seem to stay upright on his feet when he deals with the Muslim world. Where has the STRONG America gone to?

Even as Mr. Obama bends down and puckers up, the Muslim world still demands that it is not enough. America, and the rest of the Western world, must do more to show they care about the Muslim way. The west must do more to understand the Muslim World. The West must do more to show they understand how evil they have been.

It is time Mr. President, to tell the Muslim World, that maybe THEY have to do more, to curb the violence which eminates from their societies. Maybe THEY must do more to show they want to join the rest of civilization, and bring their countries, and their religion, out of the dark ages and into the 20th century.

It is time for the american people to tell Mr. Obama that they are tired of their president kissing muslim ass. You are tired of america looking weak to the rest of the world. Get off your knee's Mr. President. Grow a pair of balls. Do you need some inspiration? Look to the Canadian Prime Minister, who stood up recently and told the world, we will not close our eyes and pretend antisemitism against Isreal is ok. We Denounce it, we stand with Isreal against ALL who want to destroy her. He showed a pair of balls. Where are yours, Mr. President?
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Poor Omar, ooops, Poor Ronald

Photo of Omar Khadr, copyright released into t...Image via Wikipedia

Poor little Omar, Ooops, I mean poor little Ronald, a Canadian Citizen, sitting in a Montana jail awaiting execution for murdering two amreican citizens. The silence is completely deafening of the bleeding heart liberal left in this country crying out for his repatriation to Canada, to serve his time in a canadian jail, to be coddled and papmered until he can be released after serving 1/3 of his sentence. Where are they? How come nobody is in the streets chanting for his release, like they are with Omar Khadr?? Where is the Liberal Media with daily stories on why he needs to be brought back to Canada, instead of being put to death in America? Is it because the papers are NOT showing a picture of Ronald Smith when he was a child? He does not look "cute" enough? Where are you CBC??????

Just in case you don't know, Mr. Ronald Smith is a Canadian Citizen convicted of murdering two native americans in Montana, and now sits in jail awaiting his exocution there.

Although i say let him rot there, you do the crime then live with the time, i have to wonder why our bleeding heart liberals are not front and center demanding his return to Canada. Where are these Liberal and NDP and Bloc MP's, who so eagerly stood up in the House of Commons, and DEMANDED the Conservitive government do everything in its power to bring poor little Omar Khadr back home, now that a Canadian citizen is due to be executed in an American Jail? I heard so very many times from them that it didn't matter what Omar did, he is a Canadian citizen, and that a canadian is a canadian is a canadian. Where is that zeal you showed for Omar now, when it comes to Ronald Smith? Is he not a Canadian? Is a canadian a canadian is a canadian????? Or is that only for the cute ones??? Poor Ronald. No newspapers will post his baby pictures, so he could look cute too, and have everyone crying over his impending death. Tough luck Ronald. Live with it. Or die with it. It is what you deserve.

For the bleeding hearts here. Hypocrites. But at least i thank you for that. Ronald does not deserve our pity or our tears. He is a convicted murderer. Just like Omar. I hope he rots too.
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Obama Gobsmacked

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...Image via Wikipedia

It is pretty hard to argue against the fact that last night President Obama was GOBSMACKED during the mid-term elections last night in America. A word to the wise when it comes to a politician, watch out for voter anger. It can come out of nowhere when you take the voting public for granted.

After the Election of two years ago, with Obama and the Democrats riding in on a tidal wave of support, the electorate was assumed that they would put up with anything. After all, Obama was worshipped like a god. A politician could vote for anything Obama wanted, because look at the support he had. The public was stupid, they would tolerate anything, because Obama chanted his mantra of "change".

The problem was that the change Obama chanted was NOT the change the President enacted. The people wanted change in how their government did things. Change in how the government treated the people. Unfortunetly that was not what Obama delivered. The people wanted less government, Obama gave them More government. The people wanted the economy worked on. Obama worked on health care. The people wanted less government spending and to get a handle on the deficit. Obama pushed the envelope on spending, with deficits in the TRILLIONS of dollars.

So what happens when, after promising so much change and delivering so very little? You get Gobsmacked by the American voter. Thats what happens.

The left will say that the "Tea Party" did not have much of an impact last night. The American people said "what"??????? Of course the Tea Party was hugely responsible for last nights beating. The Tea Party is just a name for the publics anger. The Public was ANGRY. This group gave the public an outlet to express that anger. It may take a while for the public to finally say "enough is enough", but when they do, great changes happen. Last night enough was enough. Lets hope the people elected last night, representing the publics anger, understand their responsibilty to the public who elected them. If not, then you will see another great change in two years time.

I think back to two years ago, when Sara Palin was picked as running mate for the Republican ticket for President. In the ensuing election battle, and after the election up until now, the mainstream media in the united states were writing Mrs. Palin off as a brain dead nobody. To this day she is derided and belittled in the media. Well, i would have to say Sara Palin had a HUGE hand in what transpired last night. Mrs. Palin was the biggest supporter of the Tea Party movement. Her hands were all over it. She was front and center. Her face was everywhere where the Tea Party was mentioned. Do you STILL thing she is a nobody?

I will hazard a guess right here and right now, that Sara Palin will either be the next Republican Presidential Candidate, or she will be the NEW Tea Party Presidential Candidate. And if so, she will be the next President of the United States of America.

Now, if only this same anger will sweep across my country of Canada, and sweep the Liberals and NDP and Bloc off the electoral map, so we can enact change here also, then we could all be happy.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama, what happened??

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...Image via Wikipedia

It was just two short years ago when Obama mania was sweeping across America, and Canada, and the world for that matter. People were falling all over themselves to praise the man. There was going to be a revolution sweeping America. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for World peace for god's sake, without doing a single thing.

Now, two years on and what has happened to Obama mania?? Where are the adoring fans, grovelling at the feet of their hero? What the hell happened??

People are FINALLY seeing the man for what he is. They wanted a man of change. They got a spendthrift Liberal. Now that the people are finally seeing what they got, they are realizing that this is not what they voted for. This is not the kind of change they were expecting. The American people are getting their first look at a possible nanny state and they do not like it.

The problem is that America would have seen this coming if they were not so afraid to look at the mans policy record BEFORE the election. The problem is that because they were dealing with a Black Man, nobody wanted to be called a racist if they said anything against the man. There was barely ANY reporting of what the man stood for while he was in office in Chicago. When his views on his chich and pastor were brought up, people closed their eyes and ears and it went away. No one wanted to hear it. So it wasn't discussed, lest you be branded a racist. It was the first time i can remember in American Politics where this blatent hands off approach was ever given to a presidential candidate.

Now two years later, and people are waking up. This Liberal nannie state wannabe creater is finally being seen for what he is, and the people are not happy. You simply cannot be spending trillions of dollars more than you have, year after years, and expect the people not to notice. Well the people of America HAVE noticed. This notice has given birth to the Tea Party, and it will destroy the Democratic Party's power after the mid-terms in two days time.

What happened Obama?????
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Omar Khadr's return to Canada

In this photo of a sketch by courtroom artist ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

The plea deal is done, the guilty plea is in, the jury's verdict is handed down. What it all means is that Mr. Omar Khadr, the Coalition's poster boy over the past three years, will soon be back on Canadian soil, quite possibly walking around as a free man, in less than 3 years. Now how is that for justice?

The bleeding hearts in this Country still stand up and defend this self confessed terrorist, though you hear quite a bit less from the coalition. The Liberals have since gone mute on Mr Khadr since he pleaded guilty. The Bloc have gone silent. Even the NDP has virtually muted themselves since Mr. Khadr said "i did it". But that muteness is still a long way from holding Mr. Khadr to any kind of account or blame. There is no calls from any party in the coalition for Mr Khadr to be held accountable for his actions. They have just taken down the poster they used to wave in the air before his guilty plea, and put it in the closet for now.

So now our favorite self confessed Terrorist son will do one more year in Guantonimo, before being transferred to a Canadian Prison to serve the remainder of his 8 year plea deal sentence. (Funny how he can go from a 40 year sentence to serving 8 years for Murder). Of course after arrival in Canada the Canadian Judicial system will then kick in, (the system where criminals are treated better than law abiding citizens) and he will be paroled for time served. It is truely a disgusting state of affairs.

I truely hope our Canadian Government has some kind of plan to keep the human piece of garbage out of this country. What a travesty it will be if he is allowed out as soon as he gets here and is then allowed to sue this country for millions of dollars. I would say that he should not be allowed to sue anybody seeing as how he has pleaded guilty, but this is Canada you know. The bleeding hearts here will be drooling all over themselves trying to find a way to coddle poor little Omar.

We are certainly in for quite the show here in the next couple of years. May poor Omar rot in hell. Oh, and send his family there too. They are no better.
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Judge finds David Chen NOT GUILTY, I find Canadian Justice Guilty

Example of an American grocery store aisle.Image via Wikipedia

Mr. David Chen, the grocery store owner in Toronto's China Town (owner of The Lucky Moose) was found NOT GUILTY today, of charges relating to his chasing down, capturing, and tieing up and holding a thief captive until the Police could come. How Mr. Chen could be arrested and charged for this just mystifies me to no end. That he was aquitted is something i stand up and applaud Mr. Chen for.

However, i do NOT stand up and applaud the presiding judge for making this judgement, nor do i stand up and applaud our criminal justice system for this verdict.

What i find truely disgusting here, beyound the fact that Mr. Chen was arrested and charged for trying to defend his business and his property, was the tirade made by the presiding judge, which lasted for a good two hours, against everybody who had anything to do with this case, including the defendant, the defense laywers, and the public in general, for daring to question the law. The judge rediculed everyone EXCEPT the actual thief who was at the center of this travesty. The gauling thing here is that the thief got a reduced sentence for being a witness against Mr. Chen.

That is why i find our Canadian Justice System bankrupt in this country. That this Judge so very Grudgingly dismissed the charges against Mr. Chen. In his verdict he so very much wanted to find Mr. Chen guilty. That he could not do so is what caused his tirade in handing down his judgement.

Justice Khawly is a disgrace to the law in our country. As far as i am concerned he no longer merits sitting on the bench, and should step down or be removed for his display in handing down a verdict in this case.

Justice Khawly showed why we have lost faith in our Justice System, when the only people he did not berate is the actual criminal, and the prosecution against Mr. Chen. It is a dispicable display of how our laws are no longer there to protect us. The Laws are there to protect the criminal. The law abiding public have no protection under our laws. And that is a shame on our Country.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tea Party Movement entering Canada???

Protestors at the Philadelphia Tea Party on Ap...Image via Wikipedia

The Tea Party Movement happening down in the U.S.A. right now is a phenomena being watched with great interest, both in the U.S.A. and also up here in Canada. It is sweeping right across the States, leaving many democrats, and sometimes just Incumbants, no matter what party they are with, wondering what the hell just hit them. Obama will be left with a loss of control of the government, and a denouncement of his policies, like he never expected in his life, considering the mandate he had when he first got elected as President.
The problem is that when he ran for President, people (reporters and the media in general) did not dare to take a close look at his stands on issues, or his policies, lest they be branded a racist. The politically correct path was chosen by everyone, and now everyone is regretting it. Nancy Pelosi is another one people are realizing they hate with a passion. Even Democrats are staying away from her like the plague. But she is for another story.
The Tea Party is sweeping the states like an avalance. Is it making it's way to Canada also?? Is there a Canadian version of the Tea Party out there? Are people fed up enough in this Country, like they are in the States, to actually DO something about change?
For starters lets look at Toronto and Montreal. The city of Toronto, that elitist bastion of Canadian snobbery, just elected a regular conservitive joe as mayor, Mr. Rob Ford, who ran on stopping the bullshit and cutting out the wasting of money by city council. The Liberal Elite running for mayor there were swept aside like yesterday's trash. The people had enough. FINALLY. It took a long long time to happen, but it finally happened.
In Montreal, they had a rally, with Maxime Berniare, and the ADQ all preaching LESS reliance on Government, Less spending, less handouts. Coming out of Quebec, this is big. The province that is despised in the rest of Canada for ALWAYS having it's hand out is starting the march for LESS.

Will it go any further than that? Will this first step start a Tsunami of outrage and a demand for change here in Canada? Time will tell. But it sure does look interesting, both in the U.S.A. and here in Canada also. I say bring it on.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Liberals Vow to Cancel F35 Jet Purchase. Sound Familier?

Sea King helicopter of 22 SquadronImage via Wikipedia

Iggy has Vowed that if elected Prime Minister he will cancell any contract to purchase the new F35 Jets the Conservitive Government is in the process of purchasing for our Military. Does this sound familier to anybody besides me? Have we not heard those words before, from a previous Liberal Government in the not too distant past, regarding another Conservitive Governments purchase of Military equipment for our Armed Forces??? Sea-King Helicopters ring a bell with anybody????

The last time a Liberal Government pulled one of these stunts, cancelling the contract the previous Conservitive Government signed to replace the Se-King Helicopters, it ended up costing Canada over 500 million dollars in penalties, and we got what in return?? How many copters did we get? NONE.... This was aver 20 years ago. The Sea-King helicopters were past their time to be replaced then. We are STILL using them. What have we replaced them with over the last twenty years?? NOTHING. We still have them. Only now they are flying death traps, instead of just outdated machines. It is a total disgrace.

And yet here we go again. Now we have another Liberal Party, threatening to cancel whatever Contract our current Conservitive Government signs, when it comes to the F35 Fighter Jets, which are needed to replace our current Jets, before they also become obsolete death traps themselves, if the Liberal Party forms a Government after the next Federal Election.

When it comes to our Military, Liberal Governments seem to go out of their way to want to destroy it. They have spent decades starving our Military of much needed cash, cutting their budget year after year after year, to the point where our troops were sent to a desert war zone in DARK GREEN uniforms, because we didn't have the proper uniforms to outfit them in. What a disgrace that sight was for this country. It made me ashamed.

All i can say is i hope the Liberal Party does not even come close to forming a government in the next election, which will be coming soon. God help our Military if they do. God help our Country.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Auditor Generals First Report on Stimulus Spending: Approved

Stephen Harper, Canadian politicianImage via Wikipedia

The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc have all been waiting with baited breadth for Sheila Frazier's report on the Governments handling of the Stimulus Spending package, salivating at the chance to jump on the Tories, to cry "SCANDEL" from the roof tops, all in the hopes of discrediting the Government so as to be able to move forward with confidence on calling an election. You could see it in their faces when they mentioned it. You kept hearing them say, wait for the report from the Auditor General. This Government will be shown for the reckless spendthrifts and cheats that they are. The report is coming. Then you will see.

What happened? The Auditor General says everything looks good, except for some minor details, the Government did everything as they should.

Oh my god. What now if you are a Liberal? This was to be your platform to fight an election. This was what you were waiting for. This was the dagger to thrust into Stephen Harper's Heart. This would bring down the government. This would be a scandel to top Adscam. This was it. Just wait for it. Now??? Again the Harper Government is shown to be doing things properly. Procedures were put in place and they were followed. Everything was done the way it should have been done. No Scandel. No dagger. No foot to stand on to call an election.

I can imagine what it must be like at the next Liberal Caucus meeting. Faces drooping, wondering what they have to do to discredit our Prime Minister? Nothing they do seems to work. They were using Omar Khadr first. Now that Khadr has pleaded guilty to ALL charges do you hear any liberals mentioning this terrorists name? NO you don't. So, this report was to be it now. Ooopps. Oh to be a liberal.
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Ford Elected in T.O. a win for the Average Canadian

Rob Ford, Toronto City Councillor and candidat...Image via Wikipedia

T.O. , or Toronto for the less familier, has elected Rob Ford as Mayor. Not the Elitist Smitherman, or the Liberal Pantalone, but the Conservative right leaning Rob Ford. The everyday normal Canadian (how he portays himself) won over the Liberal Elites.
If you are from the west, you are saying Toronto FINALLY woke up and did something smart. If you are a Liberal Eastern Elite, you are sitting there stunned wondering what the hell just happened. To the average normal regular Canadian you are saying "good" about time.
Take heed on the federal level if you are a Liberal or NDP. Things in this Country are about to change. Toronto is changing. Even in Quebec you can see signs of change with the "Joe Louis" movement going on their. Finally people are starting to smarten up and move away from the nanny state theory that the government should run all aspects of your lives for you.
I hope Mr. Ford can move forward and start the movement of "Less Government". It is what this entire Country needs. Toronto needs it, Montreal needs it. All cities need it. Stop the waste and reduce the spending. I wish Ford good luck. He will need it.
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Omar Khadr Says: I am Guilty Guilty Guilty and Happy about it.

In this photo of a sketch by courtroom artist ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Canada's favorite terrorist son, loved by Liberal, Bloc and NDP bleeding hearts alike, who have been preaching from the rooftops over the past four years how Omar Khadr is just a poor little mis-understood kid, tortured near to death by those nasty evil Americans over in Guantanamo, has stood before the judge at his trial and declared to everyone "I AM GUILTY" and that the Happiest day in his life was when he killed that American Soldier, how he was happy to kill Americans and Jews. This dispicable excuse for a human being has declared to everyone that he did it. He was glad he did it. He loved it.

Now the question is what happens to him next. This human garbage should not be allowed to step foot back in this Country. Even though he holds Canadian Citizenship (due to being born here) he also holds duel citizenship, from the fact his parents were immigrants to this country. And not only should he be deported as soon as he sets foot on Canadian soil again, his mother and brothers and sisters should be sent packing right along with him.

This entire Family, from youngest to oldest, all have publically spoken of how much they despise our Country. How much they hate us. They have stated for all to hear of how the only reason they are here is because of the medical treatment their son receives for his wounds from a former terreoist excursion. They abuse this country for all to see.

Our Government NEEDS to step up and change the citizenship laws of this country, where immigrant citizens are concerned, and make sure this type of dispicable human beings can be deported from our fair land. As it stands right now, we cannot expel someone after they become citizens. This has to change. We need to send a loud statement that our laws and rules come first, if you want to live here, and everything else comes second.

If you don't like that, then please do us all a favor and don't come here. Whatever it takes, we need to change any laws that need changing and stop people like this family from abusing our good will.

It all stems from our "Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This document has done more harm to this country than any good it will ever do as long as it lives. Scrap the Charter and fix this Country. And PLEASE, make sure Khadr never sets foot here again.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part#9, Terrible TV viewing

NCIS (TV series)Image via Wikipedia

I love my wife dearly, but my god, she likes the worst shows imaginable when it comes to whats on tv. And its all "reality" crap. It starts from when we first get home from work. On goes "Judge Judy". Every day without fail. And i can live with that sometimes, but it gets quite boring after awhile. But it is the rest of the shows she likes that just drive me nuts.

Pick any day of the week and see whats on. You get shows like "19 kids and counting" "Hoarders" "Intervention" "Big Brother" "The Bachelor" "The Little People" "Nancy Grace" "Dancing With The Stars" "America's Next Top Model" "Battle of the Blades" "Kate plus Eight" and so on and so on and so on.

You see a pttern here right? These are all what i call STUPID Reality tv.
I mean, come on. Lets watch a good tv show. Like NCIS or something. Even a movie. Maybe a hockey or football game. Or some kind of sports program. Maybe even "Dog the Bounty Hunter" or "Paranormal State" if you want to watch so called reality tv. I could even sit there and watch The Filipino channel in Tagolog where i don't understand anything but the occasional word all night long if something is on besides reality tv, instead of watching what my wife likes. It just drives me nuts.

And STILL she bugs me about being on the computer playing a game of poker while she watches this drival, if i am on when her show is over. If her shows are over and i am still playing, then of course i am uncaring and inconsiderate of her. Of course i just laugh when that statement comes out. And of course we both know that i am right so it is not too bad. But the tv viewing is unbearable. It is a very good thing we have a tv in the Livingroom AND the Bedroom. The only hard thing is trying to talk her into going into the bedroom while i get the livingroom. Actually, it works out for me 50% of the time, so i guess i cant complain to much on that.

But i tell you. Give me a good hockey game or football game on the tv any day over all this reality crap. And the crap is on so many channels nowadays that you can't get away from it. Maybe i should just go watch the news. It's that or 19 kids and counting right now. I would even prefer that "off the air" blackout right now over that. hahahaha
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

U.N. Sercurity Councel Seat. Canada's Failure, the Worlds Shame

The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper (l...Image via Wikipedia

So, it would seem that Canada came up short in it's bid to gain a seat on the U.N.'S security Councel. For the first time in 50 or 60 years Canada has failed to gain this seat which comes along once a decade or so.

A lot of people in Canada ( in the comment sections) have been laying all the blame for this on our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. Of course this is just the easy cheap way to slag the Conservitives and these points of view really have no meaning. Not a single one of them can get past their hatred of Harper to actually look at this thing respectively.

So lets really look at this snubbing by the U.N. for what it really is. Canada, one of the founding nations of the U.N. ( hell, it was practically invented and indorsed by Canada at it's founding) has 192 Countries as it's members. Of those, there are about 50 to 60 countrys which are Muslim / Arab. Canada has taken a stance in regards to the middle east of standing with the only Democratic Country in that intire part of the world, Isreal. We have endorsed a democracy over despotic terrorist states. Oh the shame. The funny part is that a lot of the liberal left in this country are spouting this garbage. Instead of having a backbone and standing up against these tyrants, the left bends over and begs their forgiveness. Quite frankly it is sickening. But there is approx. 60 countries voting against Canada.
Then you have the African (partly Muslim and mainly dictatorial) countries voting against Canada. This is supposedly over Canada changing how it gives money to these countries in foreign aid. Where once it was just handing over the money with no safegaurds on where it went or how it was spent, we have decided to put more controls on this money. What we are trying to do is make sure the money actually goes to HELPING people instead of being cyphoned off by dictators into their own pockets. For this they vote against Canada. There is another 40 or more countries. So now you are already over or close to the half way mark against.
Then you can look at the south american dictatorships, who hate us for our stands on freedom and democracy and our friendships with Isreal and America and you get a vote against Canada.
And lets not even bring the European Union into it. If our stand against the religion of climate change is so offensive to them, even as their own systems for dealing with climate change are putting Billions of dollars into the hands of the mob over there, then i say thank you. The entire climate change movement is in disgrace, with theory after theory being dis-proven and shown to be false, still the European Union follows along blindly, because they are already too far gone now to think of stepping back. For their own stupidity they blame Canada, because we didn't blindly follow where they led.

These are the Countries that said to us "goodbye". All i can say is THANK YOU. We tried to make the U.N. a bit more respectable. We tried to make you more than what you are. Instead you told us to get lost. But i think we can hold our heads up high if these are the people telling us to go. When despots and terrorist sponsering states tell us they don't like us, i smile and say Thanks.

When the U.N. next decides to send troops somewhere, let Portuagal and Germany pay for it. Don't come to Canada with your hands out. Let the Arab bloc pay for it. Don't come to Canada. Let Africa pay for it. Don't look to us.

The World slapped us in the face. The world turned it's back on us. The world should be ashamed for turning it's back on one of the founding nations of the U.N. itself. The rathole which is the U.N. needs Canada more than Canada needs the U.N.

We tried to step in and help this body of nations. Our help was refused. Lets leave them to their games and let them get along without us.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part#8, Race Horse Owner???

2 Rennpferde im GaloppImage via Wikipedia

Almost every Saturday during the summer the wife and i go down to the horse races. The day will end up costing us about $100 a trip up front, before any winnings, with Harness racing during late fall and early winter. We enjoy the Thoroughbreds ourselves. Besides, it's usually a bit too cold here to bother with the harness racing, based on the time of year.

We will each do a $5 bet on each race, for a total of $10, and the card is usually for 8 to 10 races. So like i said, about $100 a trip.

I try to make a game out of it and joke about how i am going to beat her ass on winnings. But of course when it is all said and done, she usually ends up winning more times than me. So she ends up usually winning more than i do. On average we will win in total anywhere from 5 to 6 times, winning about $50 to $80 bucks. So it is usually a cheap afternoon when it is all said and done. Very seldom do we not win anything. And a couple of times we even come out with more than we went in.

This Saturday just past was the final thoroughbred race of the summer, so that is done. But while i was checking on line for race times i came across something very interesting. There was a horse racing farm here selling shares or part ownership in a racehorse. And that got me to thinking. Maybe for christmas i will get the wife a share in her very own racehorse. Now, one full share is going for $1900.00 which would get you a 1/8 share, or 12.5% ownership. That covers all training and feeding and basically all costs. The only thing with this site is that 20% of all winnings goes directly to charity (breast cancer research). All other winnings get split between all the part owners.

I told the wife about it and was kidding her all day at the races how if we invest in a horse she will have to go down to the winners circle and get her picture taken as an "owner".... How she will turn into the horse racing queen, maybe own a stable of race horses. This was all in fun of course. But who knows? Maybe one share turns into 2 or 3 shares next year? And grows from there? Anything is possible. I think this time next year we will own part of a race horse. Not bad when you think that right now we do $5.00 bets. Next year we will be owners. Should be fun.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part#7 Smile but don't laugh

restaurant at Roman baths in BathImage via Wikipedia

If you are married to a Filipina Woman for any lenght of time, i think this is one rule you have already learned. What is that? Smile but don't laugh. If you are wondering what i mean by that then let me explain.

I consider my wife to be a normal Filipina woman. And my thinking is that a normal Filipina woman thinks about money more than anything else in life. I notice it all the time from her. She sees anything on the tv, or the news, or even as we are driving to work, and she will spit out the comment "that person is making money". She sees a new store open on our drive home from work and she will comment "i bet they are making money". She sees a busy restaurant and the same thing. I bet they are making lots of money. My life revolves around that quote. I hear it at the very least once a day. Often many times more.
Now me, i have learned not to even get involved in this time of conversation anymore. And i definately don't laugh out loud. I have learned to just smile and say uh-hum, and nod yes. Then i just let her talk on. It is much safer this way.
I think this comes from the fact that you have to scrape a lot to get by in the Philippines. Most people are poor. A lot of families depend on money being sent home from their children who leave to go work overseas. So like i say, i think it is a part of the lifestyle, where you never no where the money is going to come from next for the family to survive, so it is always in their daily thoughts.

And that brings us to the next part. My wife now has thought of at least 20 different types of businesses she wants to start. She has wanted to start a restaurant after going to a busy one, because she thinks it will make a lot of money. The knowledge that the only thing she knows how to cook is rice doesn't enter her mind until i mention it to her. Then she laughs and says "oh yeh" and i smile and drive on.

The same for clothing stores, video stores, street vendors, etc etc etc.....

When we drive out to the lake to go fishing, or to the river to go swimming, and we drive by the farms, and she wants to live in the country and be a farmer. Because she bets "they are making money".

I am laughing about it now just thinking about it as i write this. But when i am around the missus i will just smile. Otherwise she gets mad if i laugh. She has wanted to live in every small town we have drove through, has wanted to live in every area of the city we pass through, has wanted to do every job she sees if she thinks someone is making money doing it.

I still love the thought of her wanting to open a restaurant though. She can't boil water, doesn't know how to cook, but wants to open a restaurant, because she bets they are making money.

If you hear that a lot from your Filipina wife, then do what i do. Smile, nod your head, and say "uh-hum", and just sit back and listen. The thought will pass on by soon enough. At least until tomorrow, when you will hear it again.

Thats part of the charm of being married to a wonderful beautiful Filipina Lady. Mahal na Mahal Kita my love.
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Captain Robert Semrau, Conviction is a "Disgrace" on our Country.

NOW ZAD, AFGHANISTAN - APRIL 03:  An air strik...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

With the judgement just recently handed down in the case of Captain Robert Semrau, accused of Murdering a mortally wounded Enemy Combatant in Afghanistan, our Military has taken steps to embrace Political Correctness, and in so doing has disgraced our Country, Shamed the Military Institution of our Country, and finally it has Disgraced Captain Robert Semrau.

This so called "case" should NEVER have even been brought to trial to begin with. And if our Government does NOT step up and correct this injustice, then our Government, and we the people of this Country, had better pull whatever troops we have stationed anywhere in this world, bring them all home, and NEVER, ever send them into a 'confict" situation again.

For those of you not familier with this case, Captain Semrau shot a mortally wounded Taliban Soldier to put him out of his misery. The Taliban soldier was mortally wounded in a U.S. Helicopter bombing raid, and the Afghan Soldiers walked away and left him there to die. Captain Samrau backtracked to find him, and on discovering that there was no way the man would live through his wounds, did what any other soldier would do. He put him out of his pain misery. The guy would not of lived anyway.

Let's get something clear here. This was not some wounded kid, wounded in some type of accident here in any city here in Canada, and some soldier came along and decided to end it for him. This cannot compare to what happened in Afghanistan in any way, shape, or form.
This was over in a war zone, in Afghanistan, up in the mountains, away from normal circumstances. Even if they could have gotten this man to an ambulance and sent to a hospital in any kind of time, he still would have died before he could get there. There was simply no way that Taliban Soldier could have survived his injuries to make it to any kind of hospital. Captain Robert Samrau did exactly what he should have done. He did what any mortally wounded soldier on the battlefield would expect and ask to be done.
The bigger question to be asked is why did the two Afghan Soldiers walk away and leave him lying there on the ground to die slowly and agonizingly.
For God's sake people, we give more compassion to animals here. Yet in the circumstanses they were in over there, we charge one of our soldiers with Murder for doing the same thing. Just what exactly do we expect from our men and women in uniform when we send them into war zones? If this is what they can expect to look forward to in the future, then do us all a favor, and bring them all home, and keep them home. Disband the Military for good, and never think of sending any of our men and women to defend this country ever again. You cannot expect them to defend us when you tie their hands behind their backs.
Kicking Captain Samrau out of the Armed Forces for his actions on the battlefield is the biggest travestry of justice our Military has done. It stinks of political correctness. It must be reversed. Someone in this Government needs to step up and stand up for this Brave Soldier. Where is the minister in charge??????
I expect no less than this. I don't think i am the only one.
Thank you Captain for the job you did for us. You have MY Respect Sir.
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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Trudeau Legacy, It's Time to Change

Cropped and cleaned version of File:Pierre_Tru...Image via Wikipedia

When you think back and consider the legacy of one Pierre Elliot Trudeau, what exactly comes to mind? For me, when i think of the man and what he has done for (To?) Canada, three things come to my mind.

One: I think of the FLQ crises in Quebec and his enactment of the War Measures Act to deal with it. He was not afraid to stand his ground when he was required to make a decision. At least he understood that when you are dealing with Terrorists, you have to be hard and you have to be strong. He was both of these during this crises. For this i applaud the man. Unfortunetly it is one of the few things i can applaud him for. The rest of his legacy is destroying the Country to this very day. I will get into that in part two and three of the Trudeau Legacy. But when needed, the man did have balls. Whether for good or bad.

Two: I think of the NEP (National Energy Program) he enacted to try to deal with Energy Prices. Or rather, to shift the wealth of the Western Provinces East to Ottawa, and then to Ontario and Quebec. Interfering in and stealing the wealth of the West to gain votes in the East virtually destroyed the Western Provinces. Thousands upon thousands of Albertans lost their jobs and their homes. The economy of Alberta was basically destroyed and took years to recover. That was back in 1980. There basically has NOT been a Liberal MP elected in Alberta ever since. That is how bad his policy wiped out this province. And i don't see any future in this Province for the Federal Liberal Party for years to come. When it comes to the hated NEP, Albertans have very long memories and will not forget.

Three: And the third part of the Trudeau Legacy that comes to mind when i think of the man is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or The Charter as i will call it from here on in. The Charter is the Worst peice of paper ever enacted in this Country. It is destroying this Country of ours ever since it was brought into existance. What exactly did we get with the Charter? We got the utterly stupid Human Rights Commissions. You know the ones. Where we now have people who are refused entry to a wine tasting event asked to leave because they brought their 3 month old baby with them, and are complaining their Human Rights are being violated. The problem is that our Human Rights Commissions accept these complaints as actual human rights violations. They should now be called "he hurt my feelings" commissions, to go along with the stupidity of how low these commissions have sunk. The biggest issue though is the power they weild. That is the scary part. These commissions have turned into with hunts, and our Government needs to step up and deal with this. These commissions need to be stopped if they cannot identify proper Human Rights. Not getting a job because you failed to meet the requirements is NOT a human right. It is not a human right to be allowed entry into an adult event with a child in tow. The List goes on and on and on. Thank you Mr. Trudeau.....

There is so much more wrong when it comes to The Charter, i could be writing for days about this. How our courts shoot down laws based on Charter challenges, etc etc.... it is getting rediculess. Again, thank you Sir.

It is time for this Country to stand up and say enough. Stop this madness. Put an end to the Trudeau Legacy and get rid of The Charter, or re-write it or use it as toilet paper, and do it now. It is destroying our Country and i for one have had enough of it.

It's time for this Country to FORGET the name of Trudeau.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Liberals / NDP win LGR vote, but will lose the next Election

CALGARY, CANADA - OCTOBER 14:  Prime Minister ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

The Liberal/NDP/Bloc may have won the long gun registry vote yesterday in the House Of Commons, but in doing so have handed Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party a Majority Government in the next election.
Harper has three aces up his sleeve to work with going forward, while his apponents have nothing but jokers.

Ace number One. Harper has the Economy. After leading this country through the worst world recession in over 80 years, and coming out of it in better shape than pretty much every other country out there, this is one Ace that simply cannot be countered.

Ace number Two. This looks to be another sure bet that the Conservitives will be pushing hard going into the next election. That is the Coalition between the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc. Look for this angle to be pushed mercilessly. Layton in control of the purse strings of the country. A seperatist having final say on Canadian Policy. The three stooges hi-jacking your government after being defeated in an election.

Ace number Three. We saw this one last night in the Vote on the Long Gun Registry. How the rural Liberal and NDP MP's changed their votes from previously, and voted to keep this useless peice of legislation, against their constituants wishes, against what they ran on in the last election that got them elected to Parliment to begin with, and how pathetic their arguements were for changing their votes.

That will be three aces in one hand against three jokers sitting accross the table. High hand gets the pot, a Majority Government.
This time the people of Canada will not have the fear pushed on them by the Liberals of how "scary" Harper will be. Now it is "look at how scary" the coalition will be.

This latest flip flop is the final nail in the coffin that gives the Conservitives a Majority. This one alone should give them an extra 10 to 15 seats. The fear of what a coalition with the bloc and NDP could mean for this country will probably give the Conservitives another 15 seats. That's a possible 25 to 30 extra seats gained. That my friends is a Majority Government. And that is what this Great Country of ours needs.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pot and Cigerettes, why are we such Hypocrites?


I read this somewhere earlier this week in the newspaper, and i couldn't help but agree with the author. When it comes to Marijuana smoking ( also known as Pot), the Liberal Left thinking people are argueing and fighting like crazy to get it legalized here in this Country, yet these same people are fighting like crazy to get rid of cigerettes. You want smokes banned and pot legalized.

Does this make sense to you? Because it makes absolutely NO sense to me what so ever. Both are green leaf plants that produce smoke and fumes, that damage your lungs and your brain, yet you want to legalize the illigal one and criminalize the legal one. Have we all stuck our heads up our behinds lately? Because it smells like dung to me.

And what happens when they DO legalize Pot? Will the same restrictions be placed on businesses who sell it as are placed on Cigerettes now? Will they have to hide it behind closed doors lest young children may see it? Will the packaging have to be labelled with warning signs and pictures of rotten teeth and lungs like smokes are now? Or will there be no restrictions anywhere near like what smoke sellers have to go through.

What about Restaurants and Bars? Will they be allowed to have people smoking Pot in their establishments? What about outside on the patio's? Or will we have people outside (at least 30ft away from the doorway) toking up everywhere?

What about having a toke in your own apartment? Will that be taboo just like having a smoke is now if you live in an apartment? Somebody up on the 3rd floor may get a whiff of your second hand pot smoke and complain that your smoking is making them high, and killing their lungs.

We will have to wait and see if the non pot smokers complain about second hand smoke coming from someone smoking a joint nearby.

It will be interesting to see if when pot becomes legalized (and it will) if the non smokers try to get it banned, just like they are trying to get smoking banned. Lets legalize pot so we can ban it. The smoke from one cannot be better than the smoke from another. Now that will be a very interesting thing to watch. Lets see if they put as much zeal into that fight. At least i have something to laugh about.

Ahh... to hell with it. Lets smoke a joint.

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