Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The bleeding hearts in this Country still stand up and defend this self confessed terrorist, though you hear quite a bit less from the coalition. The Liberals have since gone mute on Mr Khadr since he pleaded guilty. The Bloc have gone silent. Even the NDP has virtually muted themselves since Mr. Khadr said "i did it". But that muteness is still a long way from holding Mr. Khadr to any kind of account or blame. There is no calls from any party in the coalition for Mr Khadr to be held accountable for his actions. They have just taken down the poster they used to wave in the air before his guilty plea, and put it in the closet for now.
So now our favorite self confessed Terrorist son will do one more year in Guantonimo, before being transferred to a Canadian Prison to serve the remainder of his 8 year plea deal sentence. (Funny how he can go from a 40 year sentence to serving 8 years for Murder). Of course after arrival in Canada the Canadian Judicial system will then kick in, (the system where criminals are treated better than law abiding citizens) and he will be paroled for time served. It is truely a disgusting state of affairs.
I truely hope our Canadian Government has some kind of plan to keep the human piece of garbage out of this country. What a travesty it will be if he is allowed out as soon as he gets here and is then allowed to sue this country for millions of dollars. I would say that he should not be allowed to sue anybody seeing as how he has pleaded guilty, but this is Canada you know. The bleeding hearts here will be drooling all over themselves trying to find a way to coddle poor little Omar.
We are certainly in for quite the show here in the next couple of years. May poor Omar rot in hell. Oh, and send his family there too. They are no better.
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