Image by jmtimages via Flickr
America, Home of the Free, Land of the Brave. At least that was how she used to be. Now America has a President who seems to go out of his way to lower himself, and America also, down on bended knee, all the better to kiss the Muslim Worlds ASS. Mr. Obama just can't seem to stay upright on his feet when he deals with the Muslim world. Where has the STRONG America gone to?Even as Mr. Obama bends down and puckers up, the Muslim world still demands that it is not enough. America, and the rest of the Western world, must do more to show they care about the Muslim way. The west must do more to understand the Muslim World. The West must do more to show they understand how evil they have been.
It is time Mr. President, to tell the Muslim World, that maybe THEY have to do more, to curb the violence which eminates from their societies. Maybe THEY must do more to show they want to join the rest of civilization, and bring their countries, and their religion, out of the dark ages and into the 20th century.
It is time for the american people to tell Mr. Obama that they are tired of their president kissing muslim ass. You are tired of america looking weak to the rest of the world. Get off your knee's Mr. President. Grow a pair of balls. Do you need some inspiration? Look to the Canadian Prime Minister, who stood up recently and told the world, we will not close our eyes and pretend antisemitism against Isreal is ok. We Denounce it, we stand with Isreal against ALL who want to destroy her. He showed a pair of balls. Where are yours, Mr. President?
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