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After the Election of two years ago, with Obama and the Democrats riding in on a tidal wave of support, the electorate was assumed that they would put up with anything. After all, Obama was worshipped like a god. A politician could vote for anything Obama wanted, because look at the support he had. The public was stupid, they would tolerate anything, because Obama chanted his mantra of "change".
The problem was that the change Obama chanted was NOT the change the President enacted. The people wanted change in how their government did things. Change in how the government treated the people. Unfortunetly that was not what Obama delivered. The people wanted less government, Obama gave them More government. The people wanted the economy worked on. Obama worked on health care. The people wanted less government spending and to get a handle on the deficit. Obama pushed the envelope on spending, with deficits in the TRILLIONS of dollars.
So what happens when, after promising so much change and delivering so very little? You get Gobsmacked by the American voter. Thats what happens.
The left will say that the "Tea Party" did not have much of an impact last night. The American people said "what"??????? Of course the Tea Party was hugely responsible for last nights beating. The Tea Party is just a name for the publics anger. The Public was ANGRY. This group gave the public an outlet to express that anger. It may take a while for the public to finally say "enough is enough", but when they do, great changes happen. Last night enough was enough. Lets hope the people elected last night, representing the publics anger, understand their responsibilty to the public who elected them. If not, then you will see another great change in two years time.
I think back to two years ago, when Sara Palin was picked as running mate for the Republican ticket for President. In the ensuing election battle, and after the election up until now, the mainstream media in the united states were writing Mrs. Palin off as a brain dead nobody. To this day she is derided and belittled in the media. Well, i would have to say Sara Palin had a HUGE hand in what transpired last night. Mrs. Palin was the biggest supporter of the Tea Party movement. Her hands were all over it. She was front and center. Her face was everywhere where the Tea Party was mentioned. Do you STILL thing she is a nobody?
I will hazard a guess right here and right now, that Sara Palin will either be the next Republican Presidential Candidate, or she will be the NEW Tea Party Presidential Candidate. And if so, she will be the next President of the United States of America.
Now, if only this same anger will sweep across my country of Canada, and sweep the Liberals and NDP and Bloc off the electoral map, so we can enact change here also, then we could all be happy.
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