Image via Wikipedia
Now, two years on and what has happened to Obama mania?? Where are the adoring fans, grovelling at the feet of their hero? What the hell happened??
People are FINALLY seeing the man for what he is. They wanted a man of change. They got a spendthrift Liberal. Now that the people are finally seeing what they got, they are realizing that this is not what they voted for. This is not the kind of change they were expecting. The American people are getting their first look at a possible nanny state and they do not like it.
The problem is that America would have seen this coming if they were not so afraid to look at the mans policy record BEFORE the election. The problem is that because they were dealing with a Black Man, nobody wanted to be called a racist if they said anything against the man. There was barely ANY reporting of what the man stood for while he was in office in Chicago. When his views on his chich and pastor were brought up, people closed their eyes and ears and it went away. No one wanted to hear it. So it wasn't discussed, lest you be branded a racist. It was the first time i can remember in American Politics where this blatent hands off approach was ever given to a presidential candidate.
Now two years later, and people are waking up. This Liberal nannie state wannabe creater is finally being seen for what he is, and the people are not happy. You simply cannot be spending trillions of dollars more than you have, year after years, and expect the people not to notice. Well the people of America HAVE noticed. This notice has given birth to the Tea Party, and it will destroy the Democratic Party's power after the mid-terms in two days time.
What happened Obama?????
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