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Pick any day of the week and see whats on. You get shows like "19 kids and counting" "Hoarders" "Intervention" "Big Brother" "The Bachelor" "The Little People" "Nancy Grace" "Dancing With The Stars" "America's Next Top Model" "Battle of the Blades" "Kate plus Eight" and so on and so on and so on.
You see a pttern here right? These are all what i call STUPID Reality tv.
I mean, come on. Lets watch a good tv show. Like NCIS or something. Even a movie. Maybe a hockey or football game. Or some kind of sports program. Maybe even "Dog the Bounty Hunter" or "Paranormal State" if you want to watch so called reality tv. I could even sit there and watch The Filipino channel in Tagolog where i don't understand anything but the occasional word all night long if something is on besides reality tv, instead of watching what my wife likes. It just drives me nuts.
And STILL she bugs me about being on the computer playing a game of poker while she watches this drival, if i am on when her show is over. If her shows are over and i am still playing, then of course i am uncaring and inconsiderate of her. Of course i just laugh when that statement comes out. And of course we both know that i am right so it is not too bad. But the tv viewing is unbearable. It is a very good thing we have a tv in the Livingroom AND the Bedroom. The only hard thing is trying to talk her into going into the bedroom while i get the livingroom. Actually, it works out for me 50% of the time, so i guess i cant complain to much on that.
But i tell you. Give me a good hockey game or football game on the tv any day over all this reality crap. And the crap is on so many channels nowadays that you can't get away from it. Maybe i should just go watch the news. It's that or 19 kids and counting right now. I would even prefer that "off the air" blackout right now over that. hahahaha
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