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A lot of people in Canada ( in the comment sections) have been laying all the blame for this on our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. Of course this is just the easy cheap way to slag the Conservitives and these points of view really have no meaning. Not a single one of them can get past their hatred of Harper to actually look at this thing respectively.
So lets really look at this snubbing by the U.N. for what it really is. Canada, one of the founding nations of the U.N. ( hell, it was practically invented and indorsed by Canada at it's founding) has 192 Countries as it's members. Of those, there are about 50 to 60 countrys which are Muslim / Arab. Canada has taken a stance in regards to the middle east of standing with the only Democratic Country in that intire part of the world, Isreal. We have endorsed a democracy over despotic terrorist states. Oh the shame. The funny part is that a lot of the liberal left in this country are spouting this garbage. Instead of having a backbone and standing up against these tyrants, the left bends over and begs their forgiveness. Quite frankly it is sickening. But there is approx. 60 countries voting against Canada.
Then you have the African (partly Muslim and mainly dictatorial) countries voting against Canada. This is supposedly over Canada changing how it gives money to these countries in foreign aid. Where once it was just handing over the money with no safegaurds on where it went or how it was spent, we have decided to put more controls on this money. What we are trying to do is make sure the money actually goes to HELPING people instead of being cyphoned off by dictators into their own pockets. For this they vote against Canada. There is another 40 or more countries. So now you are already over or close to the half way mark against.
Then you can look at the south american dictatorships, who hate us for our stands on freedom and democracy and our friendships with Isreal and America and you get a vote against Canada.
And lets not even bring the European Union into it. If our stand against the religion of climate change is so offensive to them, even as their own systems for dealing with climate change are putting Billions of dollars into the hands of the mob over there, then i say thank you. The entire climate change movement is in disgrace, with theory after theory being dis-proven and shown to be false, still the European Union follows along blindly, because they are already too far gone now to think of stepping back. For their own stupidity they blame Canada, because we didn't blindly follow where they led.
These are the Countries that said to us "goodbye". All i can say is THANK YOU. We tried to make the U.N. a bit more respectable. We tried to make you more than what you are. Instead you told us to get lost. But i think we can hold our heads up high if these are the people telling us to go. When despots and terrorist sponsering states tell us they don't like us, i smile and say Thanks.
When the U.N. next decides to send troops somewhere, let Portuagal and Germany pay for it. Don't come to Canada with your hands out. Let the Arab bloc pay for it. Don't come to Canada. Let Africa pay for it. Don't look to us.
The World slapped us in the face. The world turned it's back on us. The world should be ashamed for turning it's back on one of the founding nations of the U.N. itself. The rathole which is the U.N. needs Canada more than Canada needs the U.N.
We tried to step in and help this body of nations. Our help was refused. Lets leave them to their games and let them get along without us.
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