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The problem is that when he ran for President, people (reporters and the media in general) did not dare to take a close look at his stands on issues, or his policies, lest they be branded a racist. The politically correct path was chosen by everyone, and now everyone is regretting it. Nancy Pelosi is another one people are realizing they hate with a passion. Even Democrats are staying away from her like the plague. But she is for another story.
The Tea Party is sweeping the states like an avalance. Is it making it's way to Canada also?? Is there a Canadian version of the Tea Party out there? Are people fed up enough in this Country, like they are in the States, to actually DO something about change?
For starters lets look at Toronto and Montreal. The city of Toronto, that elitist bastion of Canadian snobbery, just elected a regular conservitive joe as mayor, Mr. Rob Ford, who ran on stopping the bullshit and cutting out the wasting of money by city council. The Liberal Elite running for mayor there were swept aside like yesterday's trash. The people had enough. FINALLY. It took a long long time to happen, but it finally happened.
In Montreal, they had a rally, with Maxime Berniare, and the ADQ all preaching LESS reliance on Government, Less spending, less handouts. Coming out of Quebec, this is big. The province that is despised in the rest of Canada for ALWAYS having it's hand out is starting the march for LESS.
Will it go any further than that? Will this first step start a Tsunami of outrage and a demand for change here in Canada? Time will tell. But it sure does look interesting, both in the U.S.A. and here in Canada also. I say bring it on.
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