Image by Getty Images via @daylife
This so called "case" should NEVER have even been brought to trial to begin with. And if our Government does NOT step up and correct this injustice, then our Government, and we the people of this Country, had better pull whatever troops we have stationed anywhere in this world, bring them all home, and NEVER, ever send them into a 'confict" situation again.
For those of you not familier with this case, Captain Semrau shot a mortally wounded Taliban Soldier to put him out of his misery. The Taliban soldier was mortally wounded in a U.S. Helicopter bombing raid, and the Afghan Soldiers walked away and left him there to die. Captain Samrau backtracked to find him, and on discovering that there was no way the man would live through his wounds, did what any other soldier would do. He put him out of his pain misery. The guy would not of lived anyway.
Let's get something clear here. This was not some wounded kid, wounded in some type of accident here in any city here in Canada, and some soldier came along and decided to end it for him. This cannot compare to what happened in Afghanistan in any way, shape, or form.
This was over in a war zone, in Afghanistan, up in the mountains, away from normal circumstances. Even if they could have gotten this man to an ambulance and sent to a hospital in any kind of time, he still would have died before he could get there. There was simply no way that Taliban Soldier could have survived his injuries to make it to any kind of hospital. Captain Robert Samrau did exactly what he should have done. He did what any mortally wounded soldier on the battlefield would expect and ask to be done.
The bigger question to be asked is why did the two Afghan Soldiers walk away and leave him lying there on the ground to die slowly and agonizingly.
For God's sake people, we give more compassion to animals here. Yet in the circumstanses they were in over there, we charge one of our soldiers with Murder for doing the same thing. Just what exactly do we expect from our men and women in uniform when we send them into war zones? If this is what they can expect to look forward to in the future, then do us all a favor, and bring them all home, and keep them home. Disband the Military for good, and never think of sending any of our men and women to defend this country ever again. You cannot expect them to defend us when you tie their hands behind their backs.
Kicking Captain Samrau out of the Armed Forces for his actions on the battlefield is the biggest travestry of justice our Military has done. It stinks of political correctness. It must be reversed. Someone in this Government needs to step up and stand up for this Brave Soldier. Where is the minister in charge??????
I expect no less than this. I don't think i am the only one.
Thank you Captain for the job you did for us. You have MY Respect Sir.
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