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One: I think of the FLQ crises in Quebec and his enactment of the War Measures Act to deal with it. He was not afraid to stand his ground when he was required to make a decision. At least he understood that when you are dealing with Terrorists, you have to be hard and you have to be strong. He was both of these during this crises. For this i applaud the man. Unfortunetly it is one of the few things i can applaud him for. The rest of his legacy is destroying the Country to this very day. I will get into that in part two and three of the Trudeau Legacy. But when needed, the man did have balls. Whether for good or bad.
Two: I think of the NEP (National Energy Program) he enacted to try to deal with Energy Prices. Or rather, to shift the wealth of the Western Provinces East to Ottawa, and then to Ontario and Quebec. Interfering in and stealing the wealth of the West to gain votes in the East virtually destroyed the Western Provinces. Thousands upon thousands of Albertans lost their jobs and their homes. The economy of Alberta was basically destroyed and took years to recover. That was back in 1980. There basically has NOT been a Liberal MP elected in Alberta ever since. That is how bad his policy wiped out this province. And i don't see any future in this Province for the Federal Liberal Party for years to come. When it comes to the hated NEP, Albertans have very long memories and will not forget.
Three: And the third part of the Trudeau Legacy that comes to mind when i think of the man is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or The Charter as i will call it from here on in. The Charter is the Worst peice of paper ever enacted in this Country. It is destroying this Country of ours ever since it was brought into existance. What exactly did we get with the Charter? We got the utterly stupid Human Rights Commissions. You know the ones. Where we now have people who are refused entry to a wine tasting event asked to leave because they brought their 3 month old baby with them, and are complaining their Human Rights are being violated. The problem is that our Human Rights Commissions accept these complaints as actual human rights violations. They should now be called "he hurt my feelings" commissions, to go along with the stupidity of how low these commissions have sunk. The biggest issue though is the power they weild. That is the scary part. These commissions have turned into with hunts, and our Government needs to step up and deal with this. These commissions need to be stopped if they cannot identify proper Human Rights. Not getting a job because you failed to meet the requirements is NOT a human right. It is not a human right to be allowed entry into an adult event with a child in tow. The List goes on and on and on. Thank you Mr. Trudeau.....
There is so much more wrong when it comes to The Charter, i could be writing for days about this. How our courts shoot down laws based on Charter challenges, etc etc.... it is getting rediculess. Again, thank you Sir.
It is time for this Country to stand up and say enough. Stop this madness. Put an end to the Trudeau Legacy and get rid of The Charter, or re-write it or use it as toilet paper, and do it now. It is destroying our Country and i for one have had enough of it.
It's time for this Country to FORGET the name of Trudeau.
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