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And who is the main spokesman for the Liberal Party in it's witch hunt against Mr. Fantino? None other than the son of the man who foisted this useless peice of paper on this country, Mr. Justin Trudeau, sone of the late liberal prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, that socialist windbag closet NDP moron.
Sorry to tell you this Justin, but i would say a large number of Canadians would agree with Mr. Fantino on this one. Criminals DO abuse the charter for their own benefit when it comes to the laws of this country.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but our Canadian Charter is NOT a perfect document. As far as i am concerned it is a vile peice of trash of a document that the courts in this country have used to interprit the laws of this country as they see fit, to bend over backwards to coddle criminals in this country. It is the charter, and the Supreme Court in this country which ties the hands of our immigration system and gives citizen rights of this country to anyone who makes it to our boundries, whether they are criminals or not.
My advise to Mr Fantino is to stand by your comments, no matter how much pressure the Liberals and NDP try to condemn you. And my advise to Mr. Trudeau is to take off your rose colored glasses, get that hug a thug stick out of your rear end, and listen to what the people of this country are telling you. We are telling you sir, to Shut the Hell Up. You do not speak for all of us.
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