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However, i do NOT stand up and applaud the presiding judge for making this judgement, nor do i stand up and applaud our criminal justice system for this verdict.
What i find truely disgusting here, beyound the fact that Mr. Chen was arrested and charged for trying to defend his business and his property, was the tirade made by the presiding judge, which lasted for a good two hours, against everybody who had anything to do with this case, including the defendant, the defense laywers, and the public in general, for daring to question the law. The judge rediculed everyone EXCEPT the actual thief who was at the center of this travesty. The gauling thing here is that the thief got a reduced sentence for being a witness against Mr. Chen.
That is why i find our Canadian Justice System bankrupt in this country. That this Judge so very Grudgingly dismissed the charges against Mr. Chen. In his verdict he so very much wanted to find Mr. Chen guilty. That he could not do so is what caused his tirade in handing down his judgement.
Justice Khawly is a disgrace to the law in our country. As far as i am concerned he no longer merits sitting on the bench, and should step down or be removed for his display in handing down a verdict in this case.
Justice Khawly showed why we have lost faith in our Justice System, when the only people he did not berate is the actual criminal, and the prosecution against Mr. Chen. It is a dispicable display of how our laws are no longer there to protect us. The Laws are there to protect the criminal. The law abiding public have no protection under our laws. And that is a shame on our Country.