Image via Wikipedia
Case in point lets look at Nancy Pelosi, who recently visited Canada, with a stop in Alberta to denounce the Oilsands as Dirty Oil, and how we need to start cleaning up how we extract and process this oil, or else America should not buy this oil anymore.
All i can say to this woman is "Nancy, you are a Hypocrite".
Canada emits approx. 2% of the worlds greenhouse gasses, with the oilsands responsible for about 8% of the total emitted by Canada. Now lets look at the good old U.S. of A, who are responsible for about 20% or more( U.S. and China total 40% of world emmissions) and what do you get? You get Hypocrites, thats what.
Maybe Mrs. Pelosi should look in her own back yard and do something about all the emissions her Country produces from all the coal plants in America. Then maybe we would listen to what you may have to say. Until then, just keep quiet woman.
Maybe Mrs. Pelosi should get to work on helping to clean up that mess from the BP Spill down in the gulf of Mexico, before she thinks of slagging Alberta.
Or maybe Mrs. Pelosi would like to purchase new oil from Saudi Arabia instead of Alberta. Then she can help a bit more in supporting global terrorism through financing Saudi Arabia, by giving them more money. You are financing terrorists who just want to attack you, when you purchase your oil from there.
Or maybe you want to purchase more from Iran, Iraq, Venesuala, or any of the other dictatorships out there.
Way to go Nancy. You promote buying more oil from dictarships than from your neighbor Canada, one of the most democratic countries in this world. That my friends is the height of hypocracy and the definition of stupidity.
I would expect someone of Mrs. Pelosi's status to be able to think before she speaks. Obviously she has not mastered that yet.
I would suggest that Nancy do a bit of research, look at the money the Alberta Government is pouring in to research on carbon capture, etc... the billions of dollars. Look at the land reclamation being done from areas no longer being mined. Open your eyes nancy, before you open your mouth, and think before you speak.
Oh, and just one more thing. If you don't want to purchase our oil, no problem. It is very easy to sell it elsewhere. There are plenty of buyers out there. Go and buy your un-ethical oil if you don't want our so called "dirty" Oil. Makes no difference to us. It just makes YOU more of a hypocrite.
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