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From the latest Nick Nanos poll we have the following numbers available.
On "TRUST" we have Harper at 25.5% and Ignatieff at 10.3%
On "COMPETENCE" we have Harper at 30.3% and Ignatieff at 14.6%
On "VISION" we have Harper at 27.5% and Ignatieff at 14.1%
On "LEADERSHIP" we have Harper at 83.3 and Ignatieff at 39.0
On almost every indicator in the poll we have the Country saying Harper is "BY FAR" the best man for the job, at a 2 to 1 margin minimum, and STILL, we have a Conservitive / Liberal "TIE" in how people say they will vote.
So what i can figure here is that the vast Majority of people in this Country, whether they are Liberal, Conservitive, NDP, or whatever, say that Harper is by far the "BEST" man for the job of Prime Minister of this Country, but they will still vote Liberal. HUH?????? How exactly can this make any sense???
Liberals in this Country are saying Ignatieff is the worst thing that can happen to this Country going forward, but they will vote for him anyway???
How can you even begin to understand this type of Liberal thinking? According to Liberals, based on the polls done, you are saying:
"We absolutely Don't trust Ignatieff, but we will vote for him anyway."
You are saying "We think he is totally incometent, but we will vote for him anyway". You say "He has absolutely NO vision for this Country, but you will vote for him anyway. You outright declare " He is the Worst of the lot when it comes to Leadership, but still, you will be voting for the man anyway".
You say Harper is the Most Trustworthy, has the Most Competence, has the Best Vision for the Country, is the BEST Leader going forward, but sorry, you WON'T be voting for him???
All i can figure out is that you (Liberals) have NO care of where the Country is headed, that you couldn't care less what happens to this Country, are willing to totally destroy our Country, all because you "Don't Like" our current Prime Minister???
He changed the "census"!!!!! How dare he. He MUST go, even if our Country falls apart because of us.
He is a Hard Man. Heaven forbid we have a leader who is considered a Hard Man. Oh my God, he has to go.....
He didn't stand up for Omar Khadr, our own Canadian terrorist killer,... He must be kicked out as soon as possible!!!! Doesn't he know Omar is just a mis-understood baby boy??
He spoke up on the Tamil Refugees, instead of just welcoming them with open arms, that hateful man.....
If the above are the best the Liberal Mind can come up with for not voting for the man they think is the best man we have for the job, then all i can really say is I really Pity you. Because you really have lost any intelligence you may have been able to show.
If you are willing to put power into the hands of the man YOU think is the worst of the lot, just because you don't "like" the man we currently have as Prime Minister, then what can we say except "CANADIAN LIBERAL STUPIDITY.
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