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She kids me sometimes saying maybe we should adopt, so she won't have to endure any pain, and i end up laughing at her and saying "no way baby, for us it's the real thing or nothing". Which we both laugh over. but really, she is quite scared over how painfull she thinks giving birth will be and fears she won't be able to handle it.
I don't know if she thinks because she is such a small woman ( most asian women are small compared to western women) she won't be able to handle giving birth to a baby with a white man. At least that's as far as i can figure. Is that true ladies?
Although a baby is still a couple of years down the road, at least two years away anyway, it is still something we end up chatting about every couple of weeks. It seems every time she sees a cute baby on tv, or in a commercial, or on you-tube, it makes her tell me how much she really wants to have one.
But of course at this time we really cannot afford the extra expense. Not while we are still in the "sending money home" mode. We are still committed to sending money home ( her entire paycheck for every second check) until the end of this year. But starting in January we will be finished with that.The house will be finished in Baguio city, which will cut down on a lot of the money needs. And i think we have come up with a good way to finish off so that the family will be much more self sufficient.
The plan is that since we both get paid bi-weekly (two checks a month) and that in December we both get an extra check, we will take both of our extra checks, along with her two checks, and send that home, so that they can buy a jeepney over there. They can hire that jeepney out to produce enough income on a monthly basis to cover all future needs. A cost of a jeepney is approx. 200,000 peso's there. Sending our december checks should cover that, and then the rent the can get from that jeepney should give them an income of close to 25,000 peso's a month. At the minimum. Then, we have no more need to be sending ANY money home again, unless its a major medical emergency. I will consider that as my wife totally meeting her family obligations in regards to money. Sending every entire second check home for three years has more than met any obligations as far as i am concerned. And providing a business opputunity to go forward should take care of everything.
For those reading here wondering what a "jeepney" is, it is like our transit system here. They are little mini open busses, sitting about 8 people at a time, maybe 10 or 12 people max, that drive around the cities over there, and people get on and off everywhere. You need to actually visit the Philippines to understand. When i was there, just looking outside my hotel room balconey, looking down on the street, and all you can see are jeepney's everywhere, horns honking continously, traffic everywhere you look. Each Jeepney has it's own little route, but you can get anywhere in one if you know where they go. I could littlerly count 100 jeepney's passing by my hotel room window every hour in the hotel i was staying at in Manila. It is quite the site.
After the family is taken care of (until the new year), we can then start thinking about our family, and abut having a baby. But first we need to get into a house. That will need us saving all our money for a year or two, at the most. Then we can concentrate on having a baby.
Thats the plan for our household anyway. I hope we can stick to it. Only time will tell i guess. Wish us luck.
I wish I could find an Asian wife who just wants a baby! I've dated a succession of women who are complicated beyond belief - who knows what they want out of life! I don't think it was a baby though...
ReplyDeleteAre you dating or married to a Filipina Woman Dan?? Maybe i got extremely lucky. My wife is extremely overjoyed that she is pregnant and just cant wait for the baby to come. Good luck to you.
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog because I'm looking for Canadian looking for Filipina wife... I am thinking of applying (laugh)as a wife. I want a kind and hardworking, blue eyed blonde Canadian for a husband, ha ha. My dream is to have a blue-eyed blonde baby, really.... maybe you know someone out there?
To answer your question, yes. Majority of Filipino women wants to have a baby or babies. And yes initially we are afraid of giving birth. But the positive experiences and the benefits (motherhood) weigh more than fear and pain of giving birth, so later the fear will gradually subside :) and we embrace the natural purpose of being a woman.
I must say you are understanding and very kind for letting your wife still help with her family back in the Philippines for the meantime.
And must say that your wife is lucky too. And I am happy that the two of you know how to help her loved ones help themselves to become financially independent of her or of you. Not just rely on your monthly dole outs.
Good luck and congratulations for both of you.
just curious but y would you be sending pay checks home to the family? please enlighten me, im a foreigner (from UK, 26 years old) with a filipina, we live in manila and have 9 month old baby. Ive always known to stay away from women like that in the Philippines (sending paychecks back home). Sorry that sounds quite insulting but i dont mean it like that, im just curious. Why would you be taking care of her family too? it is not your responsibility. You are loosing out on your own life/luxuries so that her family can get your money? I dont know why you would do that? Just be careful, ive seen too many sad stories in my 7 years here, and it always starts out with sending money home to the family, and the guy always says with absolute conviction ''no no, my girlfriend is different''. Becareful and good luck to you.