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The worst part is that it comes out of nowhere, and hits me square in the face, and i NEVER see it coming. And then you are left wondering what the hell just happened, and how in the hell do you fix it before it turns into a full blown arguement, where you either get the silent treatment for a week or two, or you get the yelled at treatment for a week or more.
With my wife i always end up getting the silent treatment. And that could last for two weeks.
The last one for me was over a speeding ticket. Actually a photo radar speeding ticket.
I did the stupid thing and showed her the speeding ticket when i got it in the mail. So obviously i had no idea i even got caught speeding until the ticket showed up in my mailbox. Then, over the next couple of days all i heard was "you have to realize".. after every sentence. I "have to realize" what i did, i have to realize why i should slow down, i have to realize why it rains sometimes, and so on and so on and so on. I had heard that sentence at least twenty times on our drive home from work one day until i finally got so frustrated i raised my voice and said "enough already". Not yelling or anything, just louder than i usually talk. Enough with the bloody nagging and preaching over the stupid speeding ticket honey.
Suffice it to say i got the silent treatment for two solid weeks over that one. And i don't help that much either. After a day or two i will make an effort to appoligise in some way, but if that appology gets turned down then i say to hell with it my dear, you let me know when your ready to talk to me again and i will ignore you until you do. Thats my problem. I don't like childishness from people, especially from my wife. And i hate having arguements. But when they come out of the blue you have to be as aware as possible and try to smooth things over right that minute, before letting them go too far.
The speeding ticket issue was the last one, but not the first one. It has happened over many more smaller things than that. the trick is to try to keep your head, not to get hard headed over these issues when you first realise they have happened, and try to joke about it right away to show that you were just joking baby...... sorry.... i didn't realise.... Say this before it goes to the point of not talking. Otherwise your love life goes right down the toilet.
As for me, i never did tell my wife about the second speeding ticket i got in the mail about three weeks later. I made that mistake once. I won't make it again. She will never know about it from me. HAHAHAHAHAHA That one, and all future speeding tickets will be my secret. I learned my lesson.
To this day i still have the wife watching the spedometer and telling me the speed limit when she sees me doing 20 klicks over the limit. I just shut up and slow down a little bit and pretend i didn't hear her. No Comment...... Live is better that way.
So Guy's.... remember, a Filipina Wife is a very emotional being.... BE PREPARED. HEHEHEHEHEHE
Here's an idea... It worked for me, you come home with a big bucket of KFC and you get on your knees and crawl to your wife holding the bucket over your head and your head down and say sorry... She might be angry but she can't help to set aside the anger and love you back... Try it sometime...
ReplyDeleteyo anonymous dont be such a pussy? Put a bucket over your head and crawl to your wife. Why dont you just cut your balls off and give them to your wife you spineless human being.