Thursday, September 23, 2010

Liberals / NDP win LGR vote, but will lose the next Election

CALGARY, CANADA - OCTOBER 14:  Prime Minister ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

The Liberal/NDP/Bloc may have won the long gun registry vote yesterday in the House Of Commons, but in doing so have handed Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party a Majority Government in the next election.
Harper has three aces up his sleeve to work with going forward, while his apponents have nothing but jokers.

Ace number One. Harper has the Economy. After leading this country through the worst world recession in over 80 years, and coming out of it in better shape than pretty much every other country out there, this is one Ace that simply cannot be countered.

Ace number Two. This looks to be another sure bet that the Conservitives will be pushing hard going into the next election. That is the Coalition between the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc. Look for this angle to be pushed mercilessly. Layton in control of the purse strings of the country. A seperatist having final say on Canadian Policy. The three stooges hi-jacking your government after being defeated in an election.

Ace number Three. We saw this one last night in the Vote on the Long Gun Registry. How the rural Liberal and NDP MP's changed their votes from previously, and voted to keep this useless peice of legislation, against their constituants wishes, against what they ran on in the last election that got them elected to Parliment to begin with, and how pathetic their arguements were for changing their votes.

That will be three aces in one hand against three jokers sitting accross the table. High hand gets the pot, a Majority Government.
This time the people of Canada will not have the fear pushed on them by the Liberals of how "scary" Harper will be. Now it is "look at how scary" the coalition will be.

This latest flip flop is the final nail in the coffin that gives the Conservitives a Majority. This one alone should give them an extra 10 to 15 seats. The fear of what a coalition with the bloc and NDP could mean for this country will probably give the Conservitives another 15 seats. That's a possible 25 to 30 extra seats gained. That my friends is a Majority Government. And that is what this Great Country of ours needs.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pot and Cigerettes, why are we such Hypocrites?


I read this somewhere earlier this week in the newspaper, and i couldn't help but agree with the author. When it comes to Marijuana smoking ( also known as Pot), the Liberal Left thinking people are argueing and fighting like crazy to get it legalized here in this Country, yet these same people are fighting like crazy to get rid of cigerettes. You want smokes banned and pot legalized.

Does this make sense to you? Because it makes absolutely NO sense to me what so ever. Both are green leaf plants that produce smoke and fumes, that damage your lungs and your brain, yet you want to legalize the illigal one and criminalize the legal one. Have we all stuck our heads up our behinds lately? Because it smells like dung to me.

And what happens when they DO legalize Pot? Will the same restrictions be placed on businesses who sell it as are placed on Cigerettes now? Will they have to hide it behind closed doors lest young children may see it? Will the packaging have to be labelled with warning signs and pictures of rotten teeth and lungs like smokes are now? Or will there be no restrictions anywhere near like what smoke sellers have to go through.

What about Restaurants and Bars? Will they be allowed to have people smoking Pot in their establishments? What about outside on the patio's? Or will we have people outside (at least 30ft away from the doorway) toking up everywhere?

What about having a toke in your own apartment? Will that be taboo just like having a smoke is now if you live in an apartment? Somebody up on the 3rd floor may get a whiff of your second hand pot smoke and complain that your smoking is making them high, and killing their lungs.

We will have to wait and see if the non pot smokers complain about second hand smoke coming from someone smoking a joint nearby.

It will be interesting to see if when pot becomes legalized (and it will) if the non smokers try to get it banned, just like they are trying to get smoking banned. Lets legalize pot so we can ban it. The smoke from one cannot be better than the smoke from another. Now that will be a very interesting thing to watch. Lets see if they put as much zeal into that fight. At least i have something to laugh about.

Ahh... to hell with it. Lets smoke a joint.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part#6, Should we have a Baby?

Jeepneys were originally made from U.S. milita...Image via Wikipedia

I am not sure if All Filipina women are like this but my wife really wants to have a baby. I would guess it is like that for the majority of Filipina Women. Please feel free to correct me on this if i am wrong. The only thing is that because she has never had a baby before, so she is really scared thinking how much pain would be involved with giving birth.
She kids me sometimes saying maybe we should adopt, so she won't have to endure any pain, and i end up laughing at her and saying "no way baby, for us it's the real thing or nothing". Which we both laugh over. but really, she is quite scared over how painfull she thinks giving birth will be and fears she won't be able to handle it.
I don't know if she thinks because she is such a small woman ( most asian women are small compared to western women) she won't be able to handle giving birth to a baby with a white man. At least that's as far as i can figure. Is that true ladies?
Although a baby is still a couple of years down the road, at least two years away anyway, it is still something we end up chatting about every couple of weeks. It seems every time she sees a cute baby on tv, or in a commercial, or on you-tube, it makes her tell me how much she really wants to have one.
But of course at this time we really cannot afford the extra expense. Not while we are still in the "sending money home" mode. We are still committed to sending money home ( her entire paycheck for every second check) until the end of this year. But starting in January we will be finished with that.The house will be finished in Baguio city, which will cut down on a lot of the money needs. And i think we have come up with a good way to finish off so that the family will be much more self sufficient.
The plan is that since we both get paid bi-weekly (two checks a month) and that in December we both get an extra check, we will take both of our extra checks, along with her two checks, and send that home, so that they can buy a jeepney over there. They can hire that jeepney out to produce enough income on a monthly basis to cover all future needs. A cost of a jeepney is approx. 200,000 peso's there. Sending our december checks should cover that, and then the rent the can get from that jeepney should give them an income of close to 25,000 peso's a month. At the minimum. Then, we have no more need to be sending ANY money home again, unless its a major medical emergency. I will consider that as my wife totally meeting her family obligations in regards to money. Sending every entire second check home for three years has more than met any obligations as far as i am concerned. And providing a business opputunity to go forward should take care of everything.
For those reading here wondering what a "jeepney" is, it is like our transit system here. They are little mini open busses, sitting about 8 people at a time, maybe 10 or 12 people max, that drive around the cities over there, and people get on and off everywhere. You need to actually visit the Philippines to understand. When i was there, just looking outside my hotel room balconey, looking down on the street, and all you can see are jeepney's everywhere, horns honking continously, traffic everywhere you look. Each Jeepney has it's own little route, but you can get anywhere in one if you know where they go. I could littlerly count 100 jeepney's passing by my hotel room window every hour in the hotel i was staying at in Manila. It is quite the site.
After the family is taken care of (until the new year), we can then start thinking about our family, and abut having a baby. But first we need to get into a house. That will need us saving all our money for a year or two, at the most. Then we can concentrate on having a baby.
Thats the plan for our household anyway. I hope we can stick to it. Only time will tell i guess. Wish us luck.
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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Oilsands, The USA and other Hypocrites

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States Hou...Image via Wikipedia

I for one am getting so sick and tired of listening to everyone putting down our Oilsands. And it's not that they have such an opinion regarding this. It's not even that they have a negative opinion. No, it is more that they have such a hypocritical opinion. If you were not such hypocrites then i would at least listen to them.
Case in point lets look at Nancy Pelosi, who recently visited Canada, with a stop in Alberta to denounce the Oilsands as Dirty Oil, and how we need to start cleaning up how we extract and process this oil, or else America should not buy this oil anymore.
All i can say to this woman is "Nancy, you are a Hypocrite".
Canada emits approx. 2% of the worlds greenhouse gasses, with the oilsands responsible for about 8% of the total emitted by Canada. Now lets look at the good old U.S. of A, who are responsible for about 20% or more( U.S. and China total 40% of world emmissions) and what do you get? You get Hypocrites, thats what.
Maybe Mrs. Pelosi should look in her own back yard and do something about all the emissions her Country produces from all the coal plants in America. Then maybe we would listen to what you may have to say. Until then, just keep quiet woman.
Maybe Mrs. Pelosi should get to work on helping to clean up that mess from the BP Spill down in the gulf of Mexico, before she thinks of slagging Alberta.
Or maybe Mrs. Pelosi would like to purchase new oil from Saudi Arabia instead of Alberta. Then she can help a bit more in supporting global terrorism through financing Saudi Arabia, by giving them more money. You are financing terrorists who just want to attack you, when you purchase your oil from there.
Or maybe you want to purchase more from Iran, Iraq, Venesuala, or any of the other dictatorships out there.
Way to go Nancy. You promote buying more oil from dictarships than from your neighbor Canada, one of the most democratic countries in this world. That my friends is the height of hypocracy and the definition of stupidity.

I would expect someone of Mrs. Pelosi's status to be able to think before she speaks. Obviously she has not mastered that yet.
I would suggest that Nancy do a bit of research, look at the money the Alberta Government is pouring in to research on carbon capture, etc... the billions of dollars. Look at the land reclamation being done from areas no longer being mined. Open your eyes nancy, before you open your mouth, and think before you speak.

Oh, and just one more thing. If you don't want to purchase our oil, no problem. It is very easy to sell it elsewhere. There are plenty of buyers out there. Go and buy your un-ethical oil if you don't want our so called "dirty" Oil. Makes no difference to us. It just makes YOU more of a hypocrite.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part#5 Dealing with Emotions

A typical speed limit sign in the United State...Image via Wikipedia

If there is one thing that is certain about your Filipina Wife, it is that she can be VERY Emotional. Anyone that has been married to and living with a Filipina Woman for more than a month can easily tell you this. And it doesn't have to be over anything serious. I keep finding out more and more how little it takes for my wife to get emotional over anything. And it can happen over the smallest thing.

The worst part is that it comes out of nowhere, and hits me square in the face, and i NEVER see it coming. And then you are left wondering what the hell just happened, and how in the hell do you fix it before it turns into a full blown arguement, where you either get the silent treatment for a week or two, or you get the yelled at treatment for a week or more.
With my wife i always end up getting the silent treatment. And that could last for two weeks.

The last one for me was over a speeding ticket. Actually a photo radar speeding ticket.
I did the stupid thing and showed her the speeding ticket when i got it in the mail. So obviously i had no idea i even got caught speeding until the ticket showed up in my mailbox. Then, over the next couple of days all i heard was "you have to realize".. after every sentence. I "have to realize" what i did, i have to realize why i should slow down, i have to realize why it rains sometimes, and so on and so on and so on. I had heard that sentence at least twenty times on our drive home from work one day until i finally got so frustrated i raised my voice and said "enough already". Not yelling or anything, just louder than i usually talk. Enough with the bloody nagging and preaching over the stupid speeding ticket honey.

Suffice it to say i got the silent treatment for two solid weeks over that one. And i don't help that much either. After a day or two i will make an effort to appoligise in some way, but if that appology gets turned down then i say to hell with it my dear, you let me know when your ready to talk to me again and i will ignore you until you do. Thats my problem. I don't like childishness from people, especially from my wife. And i hate having arguements. But when they come out of the blue you have to be as aware as possible and try to smooth things over right that minute, before letting them go too far.

The speeding ticket issue was the last one, but not the first one. It has happened over many more smaller things than that. the trick is to try to keep your head, not to get hard headed over these issues when you first realise they have happened, and try to joke about it right away to show that you were just joking baby...... sorry.... i didn't realise.... Say this before it goes to the point of not talking. Otherwise your love life goes right down the toilet.

As for me, i never did tell my wife about the second speeding ticket i got in the mail about three weeks later. I made that mistake once. I won't make it again. She will never know about it from me. HAHAHAHAHAHA That one, and all future speeding tickets will be my secret. I learned my lesson.

To this day i still have the wife watching the spedometer and telling me the speed limit when she sees me doing 20 klicks over the limit. I just shut up and slow down a little bit and pretend i didn't hear her. No Comment...... Live is better that way.

So Guy's.... remember, a Filipina Wife is a very emotional being.... BE PREPARED. HEHEHEHEHEHE
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Canadian Liberal Stupidity?

Original description by Ted Buracas: Stephen H...Image via Wikipedia

I just don't understand it. Maybe it is somehow above my intelligence level to be able to comprehend. Or maybe the Liberal Mind is just to Stupid for ordinary Canadians to accept. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

From the latest Nick Nanos poll we have the following numbers available.

On "TRUST" we have Harper at 25.5% and Ignatieff at 10.3%
On "COMPETENCE" we have Harper at 30.3% and Ignatieff at 14.6%
On "VISION" we have Harper at 27.5% and Ignatieff at 14.1%
On "LEADERSHIP" we have Harper at 83.3 and Ignatieff at 39.0

On almost every indicator in the poll we have the Country saying Harper is "BY FAR" the best man for the job, at a 2 to 1 margin minimum, and STILL, we have a Conservitive / Liberal "TIE" in how people say they will vote.
So what i can figure here is that the vast Majority of people in this Country, whether they are Liberal, Conservitive, NDP, or whatever, say that Harper is by far the "BEST" man for the job of Prime Minister of this Country, but they will still vote Liberal. HUH?????? How exactly can this make any sense???
Liberals in this Country are saying Ignatieff is the worst thing that can happen to this Country going forward, but they will vote for him anyway???

How can you even begin to understand this type of Liberal thinking? According to Liberals, based on the polls done, you are saying:
"We absolutely Don't trust Ignatieff, but we will vote for him anyway."
You are saying "We think he is totally incometent, but we will vote for him anyway". You say "He has absolutely NO vision for this Country, but you will vote for him anyway. You outright declare " He is the Worst of the lot when it comes to Leadership, but still, you will be voting for the man anyway".

You say Harper is the Most Trustworthy, has the Most Competence, has the Best Vision for the Country, is the BEST Leader going forward, but sorry, you WON'T be voting for him???

All i can figure out is that you (Liberals) have NO care of where the Country is headed, that you couldn't care less what happens to this Country, are willing to totally destroy our Country, all because you "Don't Like" our current Prime Minister???
He changed the "census"!!!!! How dare he. He MUST go, even if our Country falls apart because of us.
He is a Hard Man. Heaven forbid we have a leader who is considered a Hard Man. Oh my God, he has to go.....
He didn't stand up for Omar Khadr, our own Canadian terrorist killer,... He must be kicked out as soon as possible!!!! Doesn't he know Omar is just a mis-understood baby boy??
He spoke up on the Tamil Refugees, instead of just welcoming them with open arms, that hateful man.....

If the above are the best the Liberal Mind can come up with for not voting for the man they think is the best man we have for the job, then all i can really say is I really Pity you. Because you really have lost any intelligence you may have been able to show.

If you are willing to put power into the hands of the man YOU think is the worst of the lot, just because you don't "like" the man we currently have as Prime Minister, then what can we say except "CANADIAN LIBERAL STUPIDITY.
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