Image by ~Asturnut~ via Flickr
And i am not just talking rice. Again, if you are married longer than a week, then you already know there is a huge difference when it comes to rice. Believe me, i have been married three years now, so i KNOW. I was sent to the grocery store last night to get rice while my wife was preparing our supper. I tried telling her "honey, you know i don't know what i am doing when it comes to rice, so be sure you don't blame me when i come back with the wrong type,ok?" It was one of the few times we actually ran out of rice BEFORE we went to the store. It doesn't happen often, but it will occaisionally, so be prepared.
But my wife was confident i could follow simple directions on how to tell the difference in rice. I was told to "get the short fat" rice. Not the long skinny rice. Like i would know the difference. Me, the rice connoisseur? ahhahahahaha. So off i go like the good little husband, to the store to buy rice by myself.
So there i am standing in the isle of the grocery store, checking all the bags of rice ( the small 2kg bags that you can actually see the rice inside the bag) to see if i can tell the difference between short rice and long rice. Of course i could. so i picked one and off home i went. But you know i was saying to myself on the drive back home "i told you honey i would get it wrong before i left, didn't i?" So what happened? Of course i bought the wrong rice. What else did you expect?
So gentlemen, always, and i mean ALWAYS, let the wife by the rice, and don't ever let it run out, otherwise you could be making that trip to the grocery store yourself, knowing full well you are going to screw up. The difference in rice to a Filipina is like the difference in potato's to a westerner. I have also been told what a Filipina thinks of our Uncle Bens 5 minute rice. I didn't know it wasn't real rice, never to be purchased by me again as long as i am married to this woman. It is fake rice. Disgusting rice. I always thought it was good rice, but what do i know hummmm. hahahaha You will learn.
But back to our cooking last night. Or my wife's cooking. And for all the Canadian men currently in a long distance relationship with a Filipina Woman right now, whose wife or Fiance is still in the Phillipines, let me tell you right now, NOT ALL FILIPINA WOMEN CAN COOK!!!! You need to understand that most, if not all, of the cooking there gets done by Yaya's. A Yaya in the Philippines is a nanny. She takes care of the children. She cleans and she cooks. The Yaya is probably the lowest paying job in the Phhillipines and almost every family has a Yaya, maybe even more than one. So most of the Filipina women do NOT learn how to cook. Unless your wife or fiance is a Yaya, she probable will have trouble boiling water. I know my wife does. When she wants to cook something, the pan goes on the burner, and the burner gets put on MAXIMUM, and then she starts watching tv or something until i notice the smoke, and then its a mad rush to the stove. EVERY TIME, it always happens. Maybe in five years i can break her of that habbit of always turning the stove burner to maximum?
So around our house i usually do most of the cooking. Or i cook my food and she cooks hers. Because i still can't get myself to like sticky rice. But occaisionally she cooks something that actually turns out good and i end up liking it. It does happen sometimes. Like last night. It was the second time in three years that she cooked "Afratada". It's a mixture of meat and vegatables in a tomato sauce, and quite frankly i love it when she makes it. She still can't believe that i like it soo much. She tells me that she makes it for me as a treat now, which i guess means i get a treat once a year LOL.....
So when it comes to your wife cooking guy's, always be prepared to make a mad dash to the stove because she turned the burner on maximum and forgot it. And be prepared to do most of your own cooking (maybe for years) until your darling sweetheart learns the finer points of western cooking, or even Philippine cooking. Will never happen.
Until next time people, happy eating.
Good articles. Much of what your saying sounds very familiar to me! :)
ReplyDeleteHow long did your paperwork take from start to finish? My future mrs. is currently working in Canada on a working visa.
hahaha this is actually really funny. Thanks