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Our personel pride in our country slowely started to deteriorate in the late 70's and early 80's. I think it would be safe to say it was right around the time of Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It was then that we stopped thinking of ourselves as Canadian, and we were told to start thinking of ourselves as Hyphenated Canadians. Our pride has been slowly going down hill ever since.
New immigrants were no longer asked to adopt to this new country they so eagerly wanted to come to. Instead they were told to bring their old thinking and culture here with them. Now that is ok to adapt your old culture to your new Canadian Culture, but new immigrants were not asked to do that. They were told their old culture was all they needed. That was the start of the hyphenated Canadian, and the destruction of the pride of Canadians.
This slowly progressed to the creation of our very own Canadian Human Rights Commissions. The problem here is not that we have a Canadian Human Rights Commission. The biggest problem is who was running them. We had left leaning social engineers appointed by previous Liberal Governments heading up our Human Rights Commisions. People with their own agenda's when it came to defending human rights in this country. And so it is here now where our Human Rights Commissions consider every complaint, no matter how frivalous is considered a human rights violation.
When someone is denied entry or asked to leave an adult wine tasting bar because they decided they were intitled to bring their 3 month old baby to this event, and then file a human rights complaint, then you begin to see how far we have fallen from what we wanted this country to be. The sadder part is that the Canadian Human Rights Commissions decided this was a ligitamite case to hear. And you hear more and more of these cases being heard by these commissions that have absolutely nothing to do with human rights. These commissions have turned into nothing more than a laughing stock and a joke. But the fearful thing is that they have the power to convict people. And that is truely frightening. So goes our Canadian Pride a little bit more.
We have slowly turned this once great country from a country with pride, where we worked hard and did what we could to help our fellow man, where we put our hand out to help someone up, to a country with very little pride in our selves, where we put out our hand waiting or asking for what we think is our due. We went from people extending a helping hand to people demanding a hand out. No matter where you look now, at all levels of government, be it civically, provincially, or federally, whenever the government try's to do anything, make any improvement in how money is spent, or services are provided, there is "Always" the crowd there demanding "what about me?" It is no longer what can i do to help. It is now what's in it for me.
You also see it everywhere you go nowadays. The rudeness and ignorance of people. It is all over our society. You cannot walk down the street and not see it. Everyone is in their own little world with no consideration for the fellow or lady next to them. There are no manners left. No PRIDE left. That is what we have come to. And it is about time this stopped.
And the final nail in the coffin of our Canadian Pride came with the slow destruction of our once proud Military. This was done by the Liberal Party of Canada slowly over the last 30 years with the systimatic reduction in funding for our troops. It got to the point where we actually sent our troops over to a desert combat area wearing full green camouflage. How embarassing for our troops and our country. Each year our military budget was reduced until our troops were doing without proper military hardware to actually do the jobs they were sent somewhere to do. And you wonder where our pride went?
But i am starting to see a great change happening here. And i think i can pretty much put my finger on this turning point. It started with the current Conservitive Government and our current Prime Minister, Mr. Stephen Harper. Slowly but surely our Prime Minister started showing PRIDE in our military again. We started supplying our troops with the equipment they NEEDED. People started to feel good about our guy's actually being able to do their jobs again. And doing it better than any other country out there. In Afghanistan, the Canadian Troops were looked to as doing things RIGHT. You heard other countries say lets do it the Canadian Way. And we as a nation started to take pride in that. We were abler to let it show again, without having to appolagize for it.
And then we hosted the Olympics and the hammer fell. We busted out in national pride for our athletes. We cheered like never before. We were BACK. We no longer had to make excuses for doing well or for wanting or expecting to do well. We shouted it out. We are Canadian, damn it. And we are bloody well PROUD of it.
Now, if you drive to work today, see if you can see any of those small canadian flags that people are flying in their car windows? I am seeing them all over the place now. We used to read in the paper over the last dozen years or so how people would complain that they were "Offended" because someone was flying a Canadian Flag in "their" apartment building. Oh my, how that was so offensive. You were living in CANADA, and people would complain about someone flying a CANADIAN FLAG. But the worst part of something like that was that the people were told they had to remove the flag. Now that my friends is what is truely Offensive. How we were so affraid to stand up to this political correctness that had invaided our country and stolen our pride as citizens.
Now people are letting their pride shine through. We are Canadian, and we are letting it show. The past four years have truely been remarkable for this country. And it is all owed to our Prime Minster, Mr. Harper. If he is remembered for anything in the history books, it will be for reclaiming Canadian Pride for Canadians. I say "WELL DONE".
Our Country is finally back on the right track. Lets make sure we keep it there. Don't let the Liberals or NDP in this Country rob you of your pride in this country ever again. Stand firm and stand proud in your Country.
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