Image by Mikey G Ottawa via Flickr
I can also see from these comment boards that anyone who thinks this boat should have been turned away are immiediately declared a racist and Un-Canadian for speaking their mind and having this apposing view.
It is always the first words used against anyone apposed to the views of the leftish liberal/Ndp viewpoint in this Country that if you appose or take a view different than theirs then obviously you are a Racist. It doesn't matter how you present your arguement, you are racist. I for one am getting tired of it.
Why should this Country accept anyone who shows up on our shores? Why can we not turn them away? Why do we have to be called racist if we even think that?
Well i say TO HELL WITH ALL OF YOU. It is time this Government, OUR Government started to stand up for this Country, and let the whole world know we will no longer be the doormat for the refuse of the world.
This ship should have eithr been turned away in International waters before entering Canadian Territory, or it should have been boarded as soon as it hit Canadian waters, it's crew arrested for smuggling human cargo, its ship confiscated and kept by the Canadian Government or sold as scrap, and its cargo put immieadiately on another vessal headed straight back to its last port of call. Problem solved. This ship should NEVER have been escorted to Canadian soil and its cargo never allowed to set foot here.
There will be those who will be quick to brand me a racist over this stance. So be it. But i am no racist. For starters just look at my picture on my profile. I am married to a Philippino woman. Hardly the picture of a racist.
The problem here is that these 490 or so refugees on this ship get to bypass all our immigration policies and bypass all our rules just for the simple fact they were able to get on a ship.
I went through the immigration process to get my wife here from the Philippines. We filed all the forms (and paid for them) legally and lawfully. We paid all the fees required by my Government. My wife went through all the medical examinations required, all the interviews, all the HASSLE that legal immigrants are required to go through. And we waited patiently for her approval to be given and her documents to be given to her. It took over a year from beginning to end, and many thousands of dollars later, (with airfares and hotels for me) to finally be approved. And here we have 490 refugees who get to bypass all of that and get on a ship, and as soon as they set a toe on our soil they get to bypass everything.
For all the people looking to immigrate to this Great Country legally, waiting patiently, this amounts to the biggest slap in the face they can receive. We make people looking to legally immigrate jump through hoops and give up their first born before we finally give the ok to come here, and we let refugees bypass all of that if they can get on a boat. That is an absolute disgrace.
It is time for our Government to do whatever it takes to make sure illegal refugees never make it on to Canadian soil ever again. Let them go through the legal immigration process if they want to come here. Stop the free for all if you can make it on to a ship. We are not the doormat of the world. We should not be required to take whoever has the luck to make it onto a ship. That is bullshit and it is high time our government stopped it. For this ship to have been at sea for three months shows there was no plan to go elsewhere where they could have been accepted. And if they were turned away from every other Country they tried to get to, then why did we have to take them? Why could we not have turned them away also?
If any more boats full of refugees ever set sail for this Country again, and that boat or boats, as the case may be, are allowed to enter Canadian Waters and land on Canadian soil, i for one will think long and hard on if this Government deserves my vote in the future. And that is as certain as it was that these refugees would be allowed here to begin with.
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