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It seems that everybody and their dog has a say on why this change is so terrible. Every one of them are so "Outraged" over this. But you know what? The "Ordinary" people in this Country "JUST DON'T CARE"!!!!
In my workplace, i have not heard one single comment arount the water cooler on this subject. It just doesn't register. I would venture a guess that it is like that in a lot of other workplaces too. My workplace is no different than your's. It just doesn't register with ordinary Canadians.
If that's the case, then who is doing all the complaining? The main people who want this data are the social engineers in this country. Sorry guy's, but you have screwed up this country enough already. Your social engineering MUST stop.
What really get's me is why these social engineers are so in favor of forcing Canadians to fill out the census, on pain of prosecution if you fail to comply. You MUST comply.... sorry guy's, but we Are NOT the Borg. I am a Canadian Citizen in a free and democratic country. How dare you threaten me with prosicution for not completeing a long form census. How Dare You.
For those that actually want to open your eyes for a moment and actually read the long form census, please answer me one question. Why can you not put you ethnicity down as "Canadian"? If you cannot even call yourself a Canadian on the census, then take your census and shove it where the sun don't shine....
When the questions are skewered to get the answers you want, then it is not accurate info you are getting. You are getting tainted info to begin with. So any arguemment that a voluntary census will taint the info you are being hypocritical. It is already tainted.
And enough of this social engineering anyway. Social engineering is already ruining this country. Look at what has happened in the last 20 years in this country because of the dogooders and social engineers sticking there noses in everybody else's business. We have political correctness run amok. People are so afraid to even speak their mind anymore in case someone might be offended. We have other people now who get offended over the smallest thing. The first thing out of someone's mouth right now whenever anyone say's anything that could be the slightest bit controversial is how they are "Outraged" they are "Offended". That person must "get down on their knees and appolagize" for what they have said. Thats what social engineering has led us too.
Then we have the Human Rights Commissions. What a joke that has turned out to be. When you have social engineers with their own agendas running Human Rights Commissions you get the laughable commissions we have here in Canada.
Just the latest case of "Human Rights Complaint" being brought forward now is a woman who was asked to leave a Wine Tasting Bar because she had a3 month old baby with her. She is Outraged". The biggest problem here is that the Human Rights Commission will hear this case. That is the biggest joke. This complaint should be laughed at by the human rights commissioner and thrown out without a seconds thought. But it won't be. That is the price we pay for letting social engineering run amok here in Canada.
So i say to all you bleeping idiots who are so up in arms over our government making the census voluntary, piss off. I could care less what you think. And guess what. I am an Ordinary Canadian.... I bet i am not the only ordinary canadian who thinks this way.....
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