Image via Wikipedia
As Census should ask just a few questions. How many people live in my household. Are you a Canadian or a landed immigrant from another Country, and if so, what Country? What religion are you?
Even that third question is iffy at best on if it is needed. I cannot see how any more info than that is needed on ANY census form. A census is supposedly needed to find out how many people are living in this Country, and what Province they are currently liffing in. That should be "All" a census is required for. Anything more than that is passing from the requirements of a census into the requirements of Social Engineering and managing other peoples lives. That is something we do NOT need in a Democracy. That is going too far. If you want that kind of info, then do a poll. Not a census. As far as i am concerned, social engineering is already destroying this Country. The Do-gooders are already ruining this Great Land.
But the BIGGEST problem with All the questions on the census can be found in ONE question. That question has to do with your nationality. If you CANNOT put down "Canadian" as your own nationality, then the census is a joke, which only serves to devide us. We are Canadian. Not "chinese-canadian", not "german-canadian", not "hungarian-canadian". Stop trying to hyphenate us to death. We are "CANADIAN" God damn it. And if we cannot even put that on the census, then your whole census and all the data you are trying to collect is nothing but a joke, with information that is used by Social Engineers to do nothing but devide us and devide this Country into seperate little groups.
I don't care where i came from previously. Right now, "I AM CANADIAN". This is the country i came too. This is what i am. This is all the Government needs to know.
So please please please Don't let the census sheep trick you into believing that anything more is required on a census. It is not. And the sheep can be lead whereever they want to. But anybody else should stand up for the rest of this country, and tell the sheep "we don't need your social agenda any more, and we certainly don't have to be threatened to provide it.
So to Statisics Canada i say this. There are Two adults in my household. Me and my Wife. I am a Canadian citizen and she is a Philippines citizen or Landed Immigrant, until she can get her citizenship. As for how many bedrooms in my house? Go to hell.
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