Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Filipina Wife Part#3 The art of Cooking

korean rice cookie (made in CHINA)Image by ~Asturnut~ via Flickr

If you happen to be a Canadian Male married to a Filipina Woman for at least a week, then you have by now realized that rice is going to be a huge part of your diet, and that a rice cooker is the best investment you can make in household kitchen gadgets. It will get used, and get used OFTEN.

And i am not just talking rice. Again, if you are married longer than a week, then you already know there is a huge difference when it comes to rice. Believe me, i have been married three years now, so i KNOW. I was sent to the grocery store last night to get rice while my wife was preparing our supper. I tried telling her "honey, you know i don't know what i am doing when it comes to rice, so be sure you don't blame me when i come back with the wrong type,ok?" It was one of the few times we actually ran out of rice BEFORE we went to the store. It doesn't happen often, but it will occaisionally, so be prepared.

But my wife was confident i could follow simple directions on how to tell the difference in rice. I was told to "get the short fat" rice. Not the long skinny rice. Like i would know the difference. Me, the rice connoisseur? ahhahahahaha. So off i go like the good little husband, to the store to buy rice by myself.

So there i am standing in the isle of the grocery store, checking all the bags of rice ( the small 2kg bags that you can actually see the rice inside the bag) to see if i can tell the difference between short rice and long rice. Of course i could. so i picked one and off home i went. But you know i was saying to myself on the drive back home "i told you honey i would get it wrong before i left, didn't i?" So what happened? Of course i bought the wrong rice. What else did you expect?

So gentlemen, always, and i mean ALWAYS, let the wife by the rice, and don't ever let it run out, otherwise you could be making that trip to the grocery store yourself, knowing full well you are going to screw up. The difference in rice to a Filipina is like the difference in potato's to a westerner. I have also been told what a Filipina thinks of our Uncle Bens 5 minute rice. I didn't know it wasn't real rice, never to be purchased by me again as long as i am married to this woman. It is fake rice. Disgusting rice. I always thought it was good rice, but what do i know hummmm. hahahaha You will learn.

But back to our cooking last night. Or my wife's cooking. And for all the Canadian men currently in a long distance relationship with a Filipina Woman right now, whose wife or Fiance is still in the Phillipines, let me tell you right now, NOT ALL FILIPINA WOMEN CAN COOK!!!! You need to understand that most, if not all, of the cooking there gets done by Yaya's. A Yaya in the Philippines is a nanny. She takes care of the children. She cleans and she cooks. The Yaya is probably the lowest paying job in the Phhillipines and almost every family has a Yaya, maybe even more than one. So most of the Filipina women do NOT learn how to cook. Unless your wife or fiance is a Yaya, she probable will have trouble boiling water. I know my wife does. When she wants to cook something, the pan goes on the burner, and the burner gets put on MAXIMUM, and then she starts watching tv or something until i notice the smoke, and then its a mad rush to the stove. EVERY TIME, it always happens. Maybe in five years i can break her of that habbit of always turning the stove burner to maximum?

So around our house i usually do most of the cooking. Or i cook my food and she cooks hers. Because i still can't get myself to like sticky rice. But occaisionally she cooks something that actually turns out good and i end up liking it. It does happen sometimes. Like last night. It was the second time in three years that she cooked "Afratada". It's a mixture of meat and vegatables in a tomato sauce, and quite frankly i love it when she makes it. She still can't believe that i like it soo much. She tells me that she makes it for me as a treat now, which i guess means i get a treat once a year LOL.....

So when it comes to your wife cooking guy's, always be prepared to make a mad dash to the stove because she turned the burner on maximum and forgot it. And be prepared to do most of your own cooking (maybe for years) until your darling sweetheart learns the finer points of western cooking, or even Philippine cooking. Will never happen.

Until next time people, happy eating.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My life with a Filipina, Part 2

Picture of Nancy Grace from via Wikipedia

I just realized last night how much i really hate my wife's choice in Tv viewing, when it comes to our channel veiwing. But i also realized that i am starting to watch those same channels myself when there is nothing else on. Case in point, last night i was sitting there watching the tube while playing poker on the internet, and i ended up watching Nancy Grace. Now personally, i cannot stand that show. Mrs. Grace is a loud obnoxious person, and i really do not approve of that kind of reporting. If you ever saw the show you know what i mean. But my wife loves it. She hardly ever misses it. So it usually ends up on our living room tv at least a couple of nights a week. Unless of course the girl is in the bedroom and on the phone with her family, and then the tv in the living room is mine. Then it's "no way Jose" to Nancy Grace. But lately i have noticed i will channel surf and stop there when nothing else is on. My god, i hate it that i am doing it. LOL

People, just a quick note here. If you ARE married to a Filipina here in Canada, you better realize that the phone is her lifeline to her family. And unless you want to be divorced any time soon, then you better understand that she "NEEDS" that lifeline. Do yourself a favor and find a good cheap phone company for calling to the Phillipines. Otherwise it will end up costing you a small fortune.

We ended up finding a company where we could do unlimited calling to the Phillipines for less than $60.00 per month. That is "UNLIMITED". Now, the wife calls home every day. She will sometimes stay up until 5am lying in bed and talking to her mom on a friday or saturday night, along with the 2 or 3 hour calls on a weeknight. Our phone bill went from roughly $300.00 a month ( and keeping the conversations short) to less than $60.00 a month and talking all night long. What an improvement in our happiness that turned out to be. And i never guessed that people could be on the phone that long and still have something to talk about. I am the type that can and will talk for about 10 minutes, and then i am done. 8 hours is way past my timeline, thank you very much. But she does it. So this unlimited plan is great.

I am not exactly sure who we have this phone service with at this exact time, but if anyone really wants to know, just leave a comment here and i will gladly find out for you and post it here as soon as i can.

Now my lovely second half is also starting to watch some of the other channels we get also besides the Philippines channel. And she is also getting into watching sports with me. hahahaha i love it. Except that she always cheers for the team i hate, instead of the team i cheer for.(the traitor). But she is watching a bit more of some of these speciality channels i like. A lot of these reality crime drama shows like "48 hours" and stull like the history channel, and documentarys on dinasaurs,etc etc. She is finally getting to like and watch the regular tv and actually asked me to cancel the Philippines channel on our tv to save a few dollars, because she can watch that on her i-phone on you tube. hahahaha amazing.

So, thats a little bit about us, and the slow little changes i notice between the both of us, and our subtle little differences. We are both changing and it is so much fun. And honey? i love how much you have changed my life. I love you Babe.

More to come soon poeple..... this is a great journey.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Census Sheep

Escaped sheep being led back in to a pasture w...Image via Wikipedia

I cannot believe how many sheep we have in this Country. How many people agrueing FOR the long form census. Argueing for the Mandatory long form census.Argueing for the intrusion by Government into our personell lives on pain of threat of jail or fine. It is truelly un-believeable.

As Census should ask just a few questions. How many people live in my household. Are you a Canadian or a landed immigrant from another Country, and if so, what Country? What religion are you?

Even that third question is iffy at best on if it is needed. I cannot see how any more info than that is needed on ANY census form. A census is supposedly needed to find out how many people are living in this Country, and what Province they are currently liffing in. That should be "All" a census is required for. Anything more than that is passing from the requirements of a census into the requirements of Social Engineering and managing other peoples lives. That is something we do NOT need in a Democracy. That is going too far. If you want that kind of info, then do a poll. Not a census. As far as i am concerned, social engineering is already destroying this Country. The Do-gooders are already ruining this Great Land.

But the BIGGEST problem with All the questions on the census can be found in ONE question. That question has to do with your nationality. If you CANNOT put down "Canadian" as your own nationality, then the census is a joke, which only serves to devide us. We are Canadian. Not "chinese-canadian", not "german-canadian", not "hungarian-canadian". Stop trying to hyphenate us to death. We are "CANADIAN" God damn it. And if we cannot even put that on the census, then your whole census and all the data you are trying to collect is nothing but a joke, with information that is used by Social Engineers to do nothing but devide us and devide this Country into seperate little groups.

I don't care where i came from previously. Right now, "I AM CANADIAN". This is the country i came too. This is what i am. This is all the Government needs to know.

So please please please Don't let the census sheep trick you into believing that anything more is required on a census. It is not. And the sheep can be lead whereever they want to. But anybody else should stand up for the rest of this country, and tell the sheep "we don't need your social agenda any more, and we certainly don't have to be threatened to provide it.

So to Statisics Canada i say this. There are Two adults in my household. Me and my Wife. I am a Canadian citizen and she is a Philippines citizen or Landed Immigrant, until she can get her citizenship. As for how many bedrooms in my house? Go to hell.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Filipina Wife

Main entrance of the Polytechnic University of...Image via Wikipedia

It is getting close to our third wedding anniversary soon, and the second anniversary of my wife being in Canada. We married in Manila three years ago this month. And it took a year after our marriage for all the paperwork to be issued and Joy's immigrant card to be issued. LilyJoy is the name of this wonderful beautiful lady.

My time in Manila was wonderful. Though it was quite a bit different for me. I was not used to having to go through an armed checkpoint just to get in to the mall. Armed guards on the doors was not really what i was expecting. But they were always polite. That is just the difference between an emerging democracy and an established one, i guess. The Philippines is struggling to get there. We are there already.

But no matter how different it seemed over some things, the people were what i liked the most. The people of the philippines are among the friendliest in the world. Always helpful, always smiling. It's part of why i love my wife sooo much.

My wife works full time here in Edmonton,Alberta and she currently sends every second paycheck home to her family. One goes to our own family expenses and one goes back to the family in the Philippines.

The family is currently living in Baggiuo City and is almost finished building our house there. A lot of the money over the past three years has gone to buying the land and building the house, which her family is living in. Like i said, this is now almost complete.

My wife has also been sending money home to put her younger brothers and sisters through school and University. Education is such a big thing in the Philippines. Every parent strives to the best of their ability to get their children an education. It is a wonderful thing. But i just don't know how they ever end up affording to do it. The cost of a University Education in the Philippines is just as expensive in Canada as it is in the Philippines, and it is hard enough for us to put our own children through a University education in Canada. How in the world do they do it in the Philippines, where the standard of living is so much less than here? One Canadian Dollar is worth approx. 44 Peso's. I can imagine the average wage in the Philippines is maybe around 6000 to 8000 peso's a month? For a ya ya a lot less. How are so many Philipino's so educated? Like i said, its a wonderful thing.

So my wife is currently paying for her brothers and sisters education. One brother is about to get his degree in ingeneering. He is in Manila now for his review. That will take about four months. After he passes his review he will be a certified engineer. Hopefully he can then start working and start helping the rest of his family also on their schooling. I love how everybody works toward helping everybody else in their family to succeed and get ahead.

I joke with my wife sometimes and kid her that the only reason she married me was to help her family. We both laugh.

After the house is built and another sibling graduates from University, we plan on getting the process started to bring her mother here to live with us. Although it is a little differnet here in Canada for sponsering people than it is in the U.S., we can still sponser a parent to come here. My wife wanted to get one of her brothers here first, to give him the best chance here, but when it comes to brothers and sisters, you cannot sponser a sibling who is over 18 years old. Not as a family class sponser. It's a stupid policy if you ask me. But oh well. It is what it is.

The biggest difference for my wife here would have to of been the weather changes here. It was the first time she actually saw snow. It was fun to watch her. But the cold was probably the worst. You can go from 30 degrees celcius here in the summer to -30 degrees in the winter. Even colder with the wind chill. Now that takes getting used to when your used to Manila temperatures, hummm????

I am starting to get used to the nuances of my wife also. That takes a bit of work. She can be quick to get her feeling hurt. Especially over little things that we wouldn't give a second thought to. But like anything else, you live and learn.

I would pass on one little bit of advice to any Filipino's coming to Canada in the future. Don't be afraid to smile at another Filipino here. You will be quite suprised how many Filipino's ignore other Filipino's when they pass by them walking down the street or walking in the mall here. Keep smiling. People will smile back at you when you do.

Anyway, thats the start of my new life with my Filipina wife. It is a joy and a challenge, all in one. But it is so worth it. I love you Joy.

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Mandatory Long Form Census, WHY???

The Centre Block on Parliament Hill, containin...Image via Wikipedia

So many MSM reporters are so up in arms over the Conservitive Government of Canada's plan to make the Census "Voluntary" instead of mandatory that all i can do is just laugh. What is all this make believe horror?

It seems that everybody and their dog has a say on why this change is so terrible. Every one of them are so "Outraged" over this. But you know what? The "Ordinary" people in this Country "JUST DON'T CARE"!!!!

In my workplace, i have not heard one single comment arount the water cooler on this subject. It just doesn't register. I would venture a guess that it is like that in a lot of other workplaces too. My workplace is no different than your's. It just doesn't register with ordinary Canadians.

If that's the case, then who is doing all the complaining? The main people who want this data are the social engineers in this country. Sorry guy's, but you have screwed up this country enough already. Your social engineering MUST stop.

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What really get's me is why these social engineers are so in favor of forcing Canadians to fill out the census, on pain of prosecution if you fail to comply. You MUST comply.... sorry guy's, but we Are NOT the Borg. I am a Canadian Citizen in a free and democratic country. How dare you threaten me with prosicution for not completeing a long form census. How Dare You.

For those that actually want to open your eyes for a moment and actually read the long form census, please answer me one question. Why can you not put you ethnicity down as "Canadian"? If you cannot even call yourself a Canadian on the census, then take your census and shove it where the sun don't shine....

When the questions are skewered to get the answers you want, then it is not accurate info you are getting. You are getting tainted info to begin with. So any arguemment that a voluntary census will taint the info you are being hypocritical. It is already tainted.

And enough of this social engineering anyway. Social engineering is already ruining this country. Look at what has happened in the last 20 years in this country because of the dogooders and social engineers sticking there noses in everybody else's business. We have political correctness run amok. People are so afraid to even speak their mind anymore in case someone might be offended. We have other people now who get offended over the smallest thing. The first thing out of someone's mouth right now whenever anyone say's anything that could be the slightest bit controversial is how they are "Outraged" they are "Offended". That person must "get down on their knees and appolagize" for what they have said. Thats what social engineering has led us too.

Then we have the Human Rights Commissions. What a joke that has turned out to be. When you have social engineers with their own agendas running Human Rights Commissions you get the laughable commissions we have here in Canada.
Just the latest case of "Human Rights Complaint" being brought forward now is a woman who was asked to leave a Wine Tasting Bar because she had a3 month old baby with her. She is Outraged". The biggest problem here is that the Human Rights Commission will hear this case. That is the biggest joke. This complaint should be laughed at by the human rights commissioner and thrown out without a seconds thought. But it won't be. That is the price we pay for letting social engineering run amok here in Canada.

So i say to all you bleeping idiots who are so up in arms over our government making the census voluntary, piss off. I could care less what you think. And guess what. I am an Ordinary Canadian.... I bet i am not the only ordinary canadian who thinks this way.....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Philippine's, wowowee and Noynoy Aquino

Coat of arms of the PhilippinesImage via Wikipedia

I may be stepping a little out of my comfort zone here, but being married to a Filipina woman i think gives me a little bit of perspective in regards to what happens in the Philippines. Not much of a say, but still a little bit. So i will Steppe Up to the challenge.

If you happen to be a Canadian, or American, though i am not sure about what you can get in America when it comes to Filipino TV, may i STRONGLY suggest you call your local cable company and get the Filipino channel, ABS/CBN....

My wife watches this channel at least an hour every day. And i think it helps her to stay just a little bit connected to her homeland.

And i think i can safely say i really look forward to watching wowowee, which airs in the evening here in Canada. So it usually ends up on the Tv in our living room every evening when we get home from work.

I also look forward to watching the show about the Vampires, but for the life of me i can't remember the name of the show, except that it starts with "Agimat". If someone would like to leave a remark in the guestbook, or a comment below this article, with the complete name of this show, please do.
I am currently having a little back and forth jesting with my wife over Wowowee, and the departure of Willie. My wife keeps telling me that Willie was getting too full of himself, thinking he was too big for his own good, and it is best for him that he has left the show. I bug her every now and then when i say, "i miss Willie" on the show. I wish he would come back. Thats usually when i get the Filipina head shake. As if to say i don't know what i am talking about. I just love bugging her though.

The second thing my wife loved on the Filipino channel lately was the election of Noynoy Aquino as the new President of the Philippines. I find it just a little amusing sometimes, when we are driving anywhere, and she see's someone wearing a bright yellow shirt walking down the street, and she will say " there is an "Aquino" color. Of course, i keep my smile hidden to my self. I don't want her angry with me. LOL.

I wish Mr Aquino all the best and really hope he can do a lot for his Country. My wife does not really remember too much of the Marcos's time in power, she is a bit too young for that, but lets hope the country never goes down that road again.

All in all, i am gradually learning a little more about the Philippines, although i really do think i am just a little too old to learn Tagolog. I usually just ask the missus for a quick translation... it's much easier for me......

For ALL the Filipino's living in Canada, I truely hope you love living in this country.... Take care all.....

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Monday, July 19, 2010

BP and the lack of British Inteligence

BP gas stationImage by via Flickr

I find it very highly amusing whenever i read of how the British people get their panties in a knot whenever the American people ( Obama to the man on the street) says anything against how BP (British Petroleum, for those who don't know) is handling the current catastrophic Oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico.
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The amusing part is Not the spill. No, it is the British attitude. I mean, how dare those dastardly Americans pick on Our Petroleum Company. The utter outrage being felt in Britian over this is so very British, and so very hypocritical.
The British can still stand up and denounce our Alberta Oil Sands, try to bycott Alberta, denouncing us as the great evil to the planet, rant and rave over how we in Alberta are destroying the planet with our "TAR SANDS", and then critisize our nabhour to the south for daring to say anything negative about BP, who are now trying to clean up one of the biggest, if not the biggest ever spills on this planet.
But i guess when BP stock is pretty much part of every british retirement stock portfolio, then it is ok. After all, when it comes to the British, their money does not do the talking.

Well, from this Albertan, to all the British hypocrits out there, who still want to denounce Albeta, go fly a British Kite. This Albertan is tired of the hypocracy of the British People. And the BP Gulf DISASTER versus Alberta's Oil Sands is only One example......

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Alberta, a New Country

Day after day after day after day, all you hear is everybody criticizing the Alberta "TAR SANDS". And it is said in such a derogatory tone. the TAR SANDS. "Its evil".

It is the "OIL SANDS" people. And if you don't like it you can go to hell. In fact if this keeps up much longer, if the piling on the bandwagon of people criticizing Alberta, putting down Alberta, of just plain bitching and complaining of the Alberta Oilsands continues, the maybe the people of Alberta may finally say enough is enough, we are out of here.
If the people of BC want to complain about the Oilsands, then no more money from these Oilsands goes to BC. Do without.
If the separatist loonies in Quebec want to complain and stop oil production in Alberta, then No more money from Alberta goes to Quebec. Sorry, do without.
If Ontario wants to try to vilify Alberta over the oilsands, while polluting massively with coal, then bye-bye Ontario, no more money for you from Alberta also.

Maybe it's time to separate from this country, and let them all do without, if they all want to vilify us for our oil. Quite frankly, we don't need you as much as you need us. We will keep our money, save billions that now goes to the other provinces, and make Alberta the wealthiest Country in North America.

And as far as the U.S. is concerned, if you don't like our oil, we can easily turn off the taps. Buy your oil from the Arab countries, you know, the ones producing all the Terrorists, and keep funding the people trying to destroy you. Personally, we don't care. We can always sell our oil elsewhere.

We are slowly but surely getting to this point where we have had enough. Turn out the lights and close the door. Alberta is leaving. And we will take our oil with us.
Keep pushing, keep complaining, keep vilifying us, and we will reach a point where we won't put up with any more. I am there already. I am not the only one. Don't be surprised when we finally erupt and say it's time to go.