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As i predicted before, the Harper conservitives would make the threat of a coalition their main weapon in this campaign and that is exactly what is happening. Mr. Ignatieff had one chance to deflect this right from the opening salvo and he dropped the ball. He refused to simply answer the question of would he try to form a coalition if the Conservitives came back with another minority government. He refused to deny it. He sputtered about some kind of nonsence and left it there. The door was wide open for Harper to walk through it, hell he could have driven a mac truck through it, and Harper came through that door hard. Now this issue will not go away. It is there. People will be reminded every day that Dion denied any coalition vehemently and 6 weeks later tried to take over. Iggy's problem is his signature was on that document. He indorsed it. Now he has to live with this throughout the entire campaign. I think it will do him in in this election.
I have heard some liberal commentators defend his endorsement stating he was the last one to sign on to this unholy mockery of democracy. I look at it like this. You have ten people standing around a table as a sheet is signed by all. You happen to be the last person to get the pen in your hand. So obviously you end up being the last person to sign the document. Please explain to me how that makes you non-culpable in that fiasco? Just because you were the last person to sign does not make you the most reluctant to sign. It just means you were the last person in line to get the pen in your hand. So sorry people, but that just don't fly with me.
The coalition stratagy will bring out all the conservitives to vote in this election. It will not bring out all the Liberals or all the NDP. This is why you can guarentee a Conservitive majority by the time this election is over and the dust settles. Hell, even liberal supporters don't believe Iggy now when he states he won't try to form a coalition if the Conservitives get another Minority. If you can't even convince your own supporters, how in the hell do you expect to win a campaign? You CAN'T. Conservitive Majority after May 02........
Good point unfortunately. We will end up with a conservative majority once again.