Friday, January 28, 2011

Tory Attack Ads? Get real

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the ...Image via Wikipedia

All the Liberal lunatics are up in arms over what they are calling two Tory "attack" ads, portraying Mr. Ignatief as calling for an election and wanting to raise corporate taxes. Iggy seemed to be quite enthusiastic about both issues in his "yes,yes,yes" response.
This is what has everyone up in arms? This is what all the Liberal Media is calling terrible and totally untrue?
Question#1. Has Iggy called for an election during his mandate? What does the phrase "Mr. Harper, YOUR TIME IS UP" mean? He may not have said "yes,yes,yes" in exact words, but i would say that he has called for an election.
Question#2. Has Iggy said he wants to take away corporate tax cuts which will affect job creation? Many times this month actually i have heard Iggy on tv interviews and read in newspapers that Iggy WILL be voting against the budget and will campaign on reversing any corporate tax cuts the government enacts.

So the bottom line here everyone is this. Iggy may not have said the words "yes,yes,yes" as portrayed in the ads for those exact statements, but he HAS enthusiastically called for an election "Mr. Harper, YOUR TIME IS UP" and he has strongly stated that he wants any corporate tax cuts reversed, or he will vote against the upcoming budget. In other words he has said "yes,yes,yes" in other ways, but the meaning is still the same.

What i really find funny though with all the Liberal Media, is how these two ads can seem to them as so much worse than the Liberal type ad "Harper will put soldiers in our streets, with guns, in CANADA" we get here. Of course when the Liberals do it it is considered ok. Never mind how many times the Liberals have used "Stephen Harper has a HIDDEN Agenda". They have been using this for over 5 years now. They still use it. But again, i guess thats ok, no matter how untrue it is. I mean, it is Liberals saying it.

Scary????? Come on. Don't make me laugh.
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1 comment:

  1. Hate to break it to ya bud, but it's Tories themselves who got up in arms about the "ads" and started calling their Tory MP's and CPC HQ.

    At least one Liberal MP used the Tory "ads" to fundraise for a couple hours. Good going, frat boys.


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