Friday, December 3, 2010

Liberals just can't admit Charter not the be all and end all

Cropped and cleaned version of File:Pierre_Tru...Image via Wikipedia

One thing comes through loud and clear with the Liberals blasting New Tory MP Julian Fantino over his comments saying that the Canadian Charter has helped criminals, and it is that the Liberal Party just can't admit that the Charter is not the be all and end all of our Canadian identity and that any comment against the charter is not a put down on our Canadian way of life.

And who is the main spokesman for the Liberal Party in it's witch hunt against Mr. Fantino? None other than the son of the man who foisted this useless peice of paper on this country, Mr. Justin Trudeau, sone of the late liberal prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, that socialist windbag closet NDP moron.

Sorry to tell you this Justin, but i would say a large number of Canadians would agree with Mr. Fantino on this one. Criminals DO abuse the charter for their own benefit when it comes to the laws of this country.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but our Canadian Charter is NOT a perfect document. As far as i am concerned it is a vile peice of trash of a document that the courts in this country have used to interprit the laws of this country as they see fit, to bend over backwards to coddle criminals in this country. It is the charter, and the Supreme Court in this country which ties the hands of our immigration system and gives citizen rights of this country to anyone who makes it to our boundries, whether they are criminals or not.

My advise to Mr Fantino is to stand by your comments, no matter how much pressure the Liberals and NDP try to condemn you. And my advise to Mr. Trudeau is to take off your rose colored glasses, get that hug a thug stick out of your rear end, and listen to what the people of this country are telling you. We are telling you sir, to Shut the Hell Up. You do not speak for all of us.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Liberal Mantra after by-election loss in Vaughn "We Almost Won"

Original description by Ted Buracas: Stephen H...Image via Wikipedia

The Liberal Party of Canada now officially has a new Mantra to chant for their newfound Morale Boost. It can now be heard by all Liberals in interviews all over the television since the recent by-election in Vaughn. Listen carefully and you hear it shouted out loud like some great bold pronouncement. It is on the winds of change in this country. It is "WE ALMOST WON".

Can anyone with even an ounce of sanity please tell me how the Liberal Party of Canada can say without any hesitation that losing a 22 year hold on one of their strongest core ridings in the Toronto area is cause for celebration? How can you spin such a huge loss as a victory because you only lost by 1000 votes? You held this seat for 22 years. Almost always by margins of over 10,000 votes. and you are trying to spin a loss by "only 1000" votes as a Victory?

With thinking like this, i can see the big red liberal machine as it walks itself off the cliff in the next election, chanting their new Mantra "We Almost Won" as they fall into oblivion, while the Conservitive Government of Mr Stephen Harper achieves his first Majority Government.

Who knows how long it will take for the Liberals to find their self respect enough to climb back up over that cliff. But if your best is "we almost won", to account for this monumental loss of a power liberal bastion, then i don't see you climbing back up over this cliff any time soon. We very well could have two consecutive Majority Governments for Mr Harper before that ever happens.
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After "Cookiegate" We have a New Five Year plan

A view from the south of the University Hospit...Image via Wikipedia

Now that "Cookiegate" seems to have settled for the Provincial Alberta Conservitive Government, we hear them saying they Now have a new Five Year Plan to FIX Health Care in this Province.
NOW you have a five year plan?? Excuse me, but have you not been the governing party in this province for the last 40 years??? What exactly have you been doing all this time?? You have been the Government in this Province, un-interupted, for the past FOURTY YEARS. Now you are going to "fix" healthcare??

Are we really to believe this from a party that just finished firing their hand picked head of Care in this Province, Mr. Stephen Duckett over his "Cookiegate" meltdown??
Are we to seriously expected to believe this from a party that just finished kicking one of it's own party members ( a much respected Doctor) out of the party for daring to say anything negative about how this party handles health care, and then went so far as to question the Good Doctor's mental stability to the medical board in an attempt to smear his reputation in what can only be described as an act of utter childishness by this government.

So in an attempt to sort of change the channel on all this, the Tories have "come up with" a new plan to fix health care in this province in five years.

Well, coming from a party thats been in power for over 40 years, and that has done Nothing in all that time, all i can say is "yeah, right, and i have some swamp land in Florida for sale that you can have at a bargain"!!!!!!
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