Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Auditor Generals First Report on Stimulus Spending: Approved

Stephen Harper, Canadian politicianImage via Wikipedia

The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc have all been waiting with baited breadth for Sheila Frazier's report on the Governments handling of the Stimulus Spending package, salivating at the chance to jump on the Tories, to cry "SCANDEL" from the roof tops, all in the hopes of discrediting the Government so as to be able to move forward with confidence on calling an election. You could see it in their faces when they mentioned it. You kept hearing them say, wait for the report from the Auditor General. This Government will be shown for the reckless spendthrifts and cheats that they are. The report is coming. Then you will see.

What happened? The Auditor General says everything looks good, except for some minor details, the Government did everything as they should.

Oh my god. What now if you are a Liberal? This was to be your platform to fight an election. This was what you were waiting for. This was the dagger to thrust into Stephen Harper's Heart. This would bring down the government. This would be a scandel to top Adscam. This was it. Just wait for it. Now??? Again the Harper Government is shown to be doing things properly. Procedures were put in place and they were followed. Everything was done the way it should have been done. No Scandel. No dagger. No foot to stand on to call an election.

I can imagine what it must be like at the next Liberal Caucus meeting. Faces drooping, wondering what they have to do to discredit our Prime Minister? Nothing they do seems to work. They were using Omar Khadr first. Now that Khadr has pleaded guilty to ALL charges do you hear any liberals mentioning this terrorists name? NO you don't. So, this report was to be it now. Ooopps. Oh to be a liberal.
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